• rocke


    Hi i am using All Latest Version : thats WordPress and Woo-commerce.

    If i ON Permalink then my

    Woocommerce add to chart , edit password , view order etc… pages not working.Says “PAGE NOT FOUND”

    **I had Used Permalink Setting :**

    WordPress Default : Setting >> Permalink >>  Common Settings >> Post name ( check )


    Woo-commerce : Setting >> Permalink >>  Product permalink base >> Shop base ( check )

    All Pages works fine, only Woocommerce all page is not working if above Permalink setting is ON , **if i keep all default then is working fine**. But i need to ON the setting, please help me what will be the issue

    **below is details**

    Website : [Link]

    for test :

    username : testuser
    pass : 12345

    temporary i have off permalink

    **UPDATE :**


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Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)
  • Thread Starter rocke


    please check i have update with my htaccess

    Consider updating your theme Nictitate from version 1.0.9 to 1.1.3.

    Personally I like to turn caching off and delete cached pages when there is a problem, then you can be sure you are seeing fresh pages.

    Thread Starter rocke


    Hey lorro , frankly telling i doubt all issue my be because of Nictitate..
    but i cant update the theme as we have customized it as per our new design and also we are not using any child theme system ..as we have customized that theme as per our design and requirement ..hence can you please tell me what exactly the issue is ?.. as this is free theme.

    also can u tell me how i can delete cached pages and from where ..

    please help me i am totally out of my mind now ..

    Best not to lock out theme updates, even if that’s not the problem this time. It could be, we can’t be sure. Theme updates will contain other fixes that you may need in future. Make a child theme for your customisations and then you are free to keep your theme up-to-date. This is best practice.

    I should turn off caching so you can be sure that the pages you are seeing reflect the changes you are making while you are working on this. Also, turning off caching enables you to rule out your cache plugin as the source of the problem. To turn off caching, go to to Admin page > Plugins, find “WP Total Cache” and deactivate it.

    If the problem remains at this point, deactivate your other plugins. If the problem is now fixed, reactivate the plugins one at a time to be able to identify the plugin that is causing the problem.

    Temporarily switch to the default theme, TwentyFourteen, to be able to rule out a theme issue. Your Nictitate settings will remain in the database and be unaffected.

    I note you are running on cloudflare-ngnix instead of the usual Apache setup. Nginx with WordPress requires some differences and these are explained here:

    The debug procedure is lengthy and I’m sorry I cannot be more specific. Hopefully someone else can chip in.

    Thread Starter rocke


    No lorro , u can say me i will follow all u r best solution .. also i know the theme need to be updated but as i told i cant … as i am using this at my client side hence i cant tell him to update ( hope u understand what i means to say )

    also can u tell me from where i can delete cached pages.

    and what u said above will check the same.

    Thanks for u r great support will check above solution and let u know if its work or not.

    thanks once again

    Thread Starter rocke


    Hi Lorro,

    Admin page > Plugins, find “WP Total Cache” and deactivate it,
    deactivate your other plugins,
    Temporarily switch to the default theme, TwentyFourteen,

    i did all but no solution still i am getting page not found.

    only cloudflare-ngnix instead of the usual Apache setup. is pending can you guide me in this in deep ? , i means all that setting need to be done by me or it will be done by my server guys ..

    any other solution please let me know

    Thanks for u r great support till now

    Thread Starter rocke


    any one here ??

    Thread Starter rocke


    I noticed as my edit , add to cart , view order pages are not opening hence


    https://www.jni.co.in/my-account/edit-account — WHICH IS NOT WORKING

    https://www.jni.co.in/my-account/?edit-account — WORKING


    ON PERMALINK : https://www.jni.co.in/my-account/view-order/627 — NOT WORKING

    IF CHANGE TO https://www.jni.co.in/my-account/?view-order=627 – WORKING



    Thread Starter rocke


    Lorro you there? … any one ?

    I’m struggling with this as you are. I would try renaming the .htaccess file in your WordPress root directory. This will disable it. WordPress should make a new one from scratch. If things get worse, rename it back again.

    Thread Starter rocke


    Ok let me try this too ..will update on this soon … as i need to take whole website + database backup before doing this ,,, and will be take some time ..hence once done will update u on this soon …

    also one more thing as per above permalink information ( last reply of mine thats : see above works and not working reply ) — one person told me :

    I think you've solved your problem. While /view-order/xxx works on my installation, /my-account/edit-account does not. It seems that the behavior of the action parameter when placed after the page slug without an ?action= is inconsistent - probably a bug in Woo. I'd suggest that you keep using the ?action= version of the links since this way they work on your end and they work on my installation too. Not including that will cause issues.

    but i am not getting where and which file i need to change this, also if i change in core file of woo-commerce then update cant be done. any idea please tell me

    thanks once again for u r great support

    Thread Starter rocke


    @ Lorro , i tried as u told .. but still not working …

    not getting what is wrong and where is it …

    any idea ..

    Consider giving up on that install. Leave it running for now. Start a new install in a subdirectory. New DB. Start with fresh downloads of WP, WC and the TwentyFourteen theme. If it works, export your database from the current install and import it into the new one and add your theme and plugins one-by-one. Test each time to identify what if anything might be breaking the it. When its all working, point your url at your new install.

    This time, use the latest version of your theme, have your customisations separately in a child theme, and keep caching off until development is finished.

    Thread Starter rocke


    ohh this to long … i was think same too about this idea ..but as its too long process hence was avoiding … but as not getting solution then have to do this only ..

    Thanks lorro for your great support till now … actually u should be the author of this plugin . ??

    Thanks once again.

    Moderator bcworkz


    Hi rocke,

    Since you only seem to have a problem when permalinks are on, it may be related to this bug: https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/27015

    Since that ticket was logged, some portions of the problem have been fixed in the current release, yet other problems remain. I would normally suggest applying the patch to see if that helps. But the patch has not been updated in some time, so I don’t think it can be applied with the usual tools. You could manually copy/paste the relevant code from 27015.3.patch into query.php. Of course this will be likely lost when WP is updated again, but at least you’ll know if the problem is a WP bug or something else.

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)
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