• Can you please provide some guidance for putting an amChart (using the amCharts WP plugin) into a popup? I’m using the Easy FancyBox plugin (inline content) right now, but I will probably be switching to PopUpPress or WP Popup Magic.

    I have a chart that’s working fine when I put the shortcode directly in the blog post. However, I’ve tried several different ways of putting the same chart in an Easy FancyBox popup to no avail.

    The reason why I’d like to do this is because some of my charts will require much more screen real estate than what is available in a post. So, I’ll probably show the chart in the post and then give users an option to view a larger version of the chart in a popup.

    I suspect this has something to with the resizing problem discussed in this post: https://www.amcharts.com/tutorials/displaying-charts-in-tabs-or-other-dynamic-page-elements/. However, being a relative beginner, I can’t figure out how to properly implement the InvalidateSize method in the context of WordPress.


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  • Thread Starter mwassmer


    I decided to use iLightBox. According to the iLightBox documentation, you can create an HTML lightbox with a shortcode as the HTML.

    Here’s what happens when I try to put a chart in a lightbox (click “Show chart”)
    Here’s the same chart in a page without using a lightbox

    Plugin Author martynasma


    Th thing is that chart can’t measure the dimensions (and thus it’s own) of the container if it is hidden.

    The workaround would be to call “invalidateSize()” method after the modal opens up.


    I’m not familiar with iLightBox but I bet it has some events that can be used for that.

    For that you will need to put chart variable in global scope so that you can access it from the iLightBox’s open event handler.

    Let me know if that makes sense.

    Thread Starter mwassmer


    This approach makes sense, but I’m having trouble implementing it. Here’s what I’ve done so far:
    – Created a new default serial chart using the WP plugin
    – On this page, I embedded the chart using [amcharts id="serial-4"].
    – On the same page, I added a link to the lightboxed version of the same chart. To do this, I created an iLightBox gallery, added a single slide to the gallery, selected “HTML” for the slide “type,” set the HTML content to [amcharts id="serial-4"], and used [ilightbox id="1"]See same chart in lightbox[/ilightbox] to generate the link to the lightbox.
    – In my chart’s HTML, I changed the width to 500px because I was concerned that 100% might be problematic for iLightBox. My chart’s HTML is <div id="%CHART%" style="width: 500px; height: 300px; background-color: "#ffffff";></div>. Note that I also changed the background color to avoid any potential problems with iLightBox’s default black background.
    – I removed the var from the chart’s Javascript code for the chart variable declaration to make it a global variable.
    – I called amcharts2.invalidateSize() in several different iLightBox event handlers and in the Chrome console window, but it isn’t working. I’m also getting a lot of undefined is not a function errors in the console.
    – When I was playing around with this yesterday, I briefly got the chart to show up in the lightbox, but then it stopped working after I made some other changes and I couldn’t remember what I did to get it working. In other words, I think this is close to working!

    Another related question: how do I know what variable name to use when I call the invalidateSize() method in the iLightBox event handler? I’m a little confused about the %CHART% feature for variable name declarations and how this affects Javascript calls on the chart object. I think amcharts2 is the name that was generated in my example page (it appeared in the Chrome console), so that’s why I used for testing purposes. I think amcharts2 is the chart that successfully appears on my WP page.

    Plugin Author martynasma


    I think that in situation like this it would probably be better to replace %CHART% meta code to some variable name, like myMap.

    This way you will make sure that chart is always assigned to the same variable that you can the subsequently use to call invalidateSize().

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