Hi Tyler
First, thanks for the removal of comment answer, that fixed it thanks.
Now to the pressing issue – I don’t have a local install, it’s all live and on cloud hosting. I have included some screenshots that I hope will help in debugging.
**screenshots were included as attachments in response to your email**
ewt php bug shows how the screen looks if I turn on ‘paid course’ – if that is left unticked then display is good
ewt php bug marketpress shows how it looks in the plugin
ewt php bug edit shows what I see if I try to edit the above screen (marketpress plugin)
ewt confirmed order mail issues shows a download link that gives all the code including the problem line plus a second link that advises I can manage from it, but when I click it tells me I don’t have sufficient permissions to access the page
ewt user logon shows the error messages a user gets when they try to enroll for the course.
NOTE – even though this is a paid course, a user can enroll and commence training without paying – the price shows as zero.
As you can imagine, this is a show stopper right now, which is a big issue as the course is time sensitive to a webinar just published.
Lastly, if a user presses the ‘view full profile’ button under the instructors name, it returns ‘Page not found’.
Would you like me to open a new thread on the forum for the last issue or can we just handle it here?
Thanks for your help so far, really hoping you can come through quickly on this one
To confirm I am using WP4.0, Coursepress theme, MarketPress plugin on a new WP installation on a highly rated Linux host. Client access is via Windows 8.1 and 7