• I get the below error on my website when I click on the “Contact”/feedback form page:

    Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /home/histor72/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-ultimate/includes/jlfunctions/arr.php on line 50

    Warning: array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array in /home/histor72/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-ultimate/includes/jlfunctions/arr.php on line 51

    Warning: array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array in /home/histor72/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-ultimate/modules/meta/meta-keywords.php on line 125

    Warning: array_diff(): Argument #2 is not an array in /home/histor72/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-ultimate/modules/meta/meta-keywords.php on line 127

    Warning: array_slice() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/histor72/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-ultimate/modules/meta/meta-keywords.php on line 128

    Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /home/histor72/public_html/wp-content/plugins/seo-ultimate/modules/meta/meta-keywords.php on line 129

    They are displayed on the website itself, which is quite unsettling. Can anyone tell me what this means and what I need to change?

    I have installed the SEO Ultimate plugin to be able to control what I show in snippets on SERPs and which posts are and are not indexed by search engines, but in some aspects it appears that things I have chosen to “no index” show up in SERPs. And now this.

    (Does anyone know about a very basic beginner’s guide to use this plugin?
    I have read some tutorials which were to some extend helpful, but not thorough enough.)

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  • Thread Starter A


    Above: “the website” = my blog.

    Thread Starter A



    Cause of problem: apparently, when any of the boxes are ticked on the tab “Default values” in “Meta keywords editor”, then a large number of pages display that error. When I un-ticked all the boxes, the problem vanished from all the pages.

    (I have no clue what I’m doing and would really appreciate a thorough, basic beginner’s tutorial)

    There appears to be a bug in the code and you might not be doing anything wrong. My site does not show this error on screen, but I checked my cgi_error_log to see what it says and it contains similar warnings, repeatedly, like so:

    Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in …/wp-content/plugins/seo-ultimate/includes/jlfunctions/arr.php on line 50

    Argument #2 should be an array in …./wp-content/plugins/seo-ultimate/includes/jlfunctions/arr.php on line 51

    In Your case: I think your array text may be corrupted by special characters appearing inside the fields mentioned in the alert messages . check your entry fields for those seo-ultimate fields, do not contain any special characters like the & (amperstand) or $(dollar sign) or the double or single quote signs. Remove the characters. See if now works.

    My site: artistsonoma.com

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