• Resolved Harrison Miracle


    Warning: file_get_contents(/actual/path/to/folder/website.dev/wp-content/themes/theme-folder/snippets/./button.snippet.php) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /actual/path/to/folder/website.dev/wp-content/plugins/php-snippets/includes/PHP_Snippet_Functions.php on line 214

    I keep getting this error on my local development of any site I work on. This error comes up every couple of refreshes. 30% of the time the snippets work fine, but when I refresh the page, the other 70% of the times I get this error. The error shows up twice, one with the actual path and one with /./ after the snippets folder.

    Any ideas? It works fine if once I put the files up to an actual server, but locally it’s just giving me fits.


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