• Hello,
    I’m preparing a website using the Appliance theme for blog page.
    I’m slowly getting done with it, but yesterday some problem occured.

    I like the Appliance for its pretty and simple look, my blog page consists of four columns in three rows and, until yesterday, everything was working excellent and looking very good.

    To the point – I have about ten posts added a few days ago and they are looking perfect for me. But today, when I’m adding a new post, an image chosen as a thumbnail is being scaled badly.

    Checking in Firebug I see that for the older posts wordpress was using an image 214x120px, now it’s using 150x100px pic and scaling it ugly.
    Also in the uploads folder I don’t see 214x120px thumbnails, which were created for older images.

    I’m choosing a post thumbnail indicating an image from gallery (900x600px, some are bigger). It was working perfectly for every post I added a few days ago. Now the thumbnails are unpretty scaled and don’t see any reason.

    Colud you please tell me what to do?

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  • If the thumbnail settings got incorrect you can adjust the thumbnail dimension anytime from “admin menu -> Settings -> Media”.
    Readjust the size according to your need.

    These setting must be overwritten by plugin or from admin panel.

    You can also check if some plugins are overwriting these setting by disabling all the plugins ..

    Thread Starter kicia


    Thank you for your answer.

    I checked all the plugins (disabling them all) an, unfortunatelly, nothing has changed.

    In media settings there were in fact thumbnail size set to 150x100px; I turned it into 214×120 and a new photo, which I added, has a wanted thumbnail size.

    But it doesn’t work on the blog page, the thumbnail I’m adding to any post (thumbnail of a new photo, I see good size on ftp) is still scaled badly.

    What more can I do? Where to look for a bug?

    I’m using not only the Appliance theme, it is set only for the blog page. The other pages are using a theme named Tempera, customized by me.

    If you can see correct thumbnail image size using ftp. still it is badly scaled, the reason might be that their dimensions are hard coded using HTML. Always use wordpress standard functions like get_the_post_thumbnail.

    Please check the “single.php” page in your template for the tag “<img” with dimension given like ‘ height=”150″ width=”150″ ‘.

    Thread Starter kicia


    I don’t have such a tag in my single.php file, there is nothing related to images in this file.

    The situation is incomprehensible for me, because I didn’t make any changes in image sizes and anything about it, this started to happen suddenly.

    there may be the_post_thumbnail function, whatever the parameters are in there, replace that with the_post_thumbnail(array(214,120))

    Thread Starter kicia


    this is all content of my single.php file

    <?php get_header(); ?>
    	<div id="maincontent">
    		<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); //The Loop?>
    		<div <?php post_class()?>>
    			<h1><?php the_title()?></h1>
    <?php the_content()?>
    			<div class="postfooter">
    			<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_date()?></a> <?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => __('Pages', 'appliance'), 'after' =>'' ) ); ?><br/>
    			<?php _e('Categories','appliance');?>: <?php the_category(', '); ?> <?php if(has_tag()){the_tags( _e('Tags','appliance') . ': ', ', ');}?>
    <?php comments_template( '', true ); ?>
    		<?php endwhile;endif;?>
    <div id="postnavigation">
    <div id="previousposts"><?php previous_post_link('%link'); ?></div>
    <div id="nextposts"><?php next_post_link('%link'); ?></div>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
    Thread Starter kicia


    I have also such a code in functions.php

    add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
    set_post_thumbnail_size( 214, 120, true );

    unfortunatelly, php is still black magic for me

    Go to
    Admin -> Posts

    Find the post which is causing problem. click edit against it.
    Now in content find the dimensions. Replace your desired dimensions. like replace “150” with “210”.

    Please check it and notify me..

    Thread Starter kicia


    I don’t have any image in post content.I’m adding a distinguishing image using a button in bottom right corner.

    Can you share your site link/url so that I can have a close look. That would help.

    Thread Starter kicia


    Here you are: https://punkxtr.nazwa.pl/wordpress/blog/

    It not finished of course, for now only two posts (right bottom corner) does have a thumbnails added – the right one has a pretty thumbnail, the left one has it badly scaled.

    Can you tell me that “blog” is category, post-type, post or page?
    I need to know to find the page used for the content and can check in that page.

    Thread Starter kicia


    Blog is a page, as the other positions in the top menu.
    It is also the only page using the Appliance theme, the rest of them is based on Tempera theme.

    You need to check the code in “page.php” of whichever theme is used for this page. Please share the code if possible..

    Thread Starter kicia


    This is my page.php code for this theme:

    <?php get_header(); ?>
    	<div id="maincontent">
    		<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); //The Loop?>
    		<div <?php post_class()?>>
    			<h1><?php the_title()?></h1>
    		<?php the_content()?>
    			<div class="postfooter">
    			<?php the_date()?> <?php wp_link_pages() //Page buttons for multi-page posts?>
    		<?php comments_template()?>
    		<?php endwhile;endif;?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
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