• Greetings. First of all thank you very much for the excellent work they have done with the plugin for BigBlueButton.

    I am making a template for WordPress only show me the login form for WordPress users, and when they enter their data, the page will reload and display the login form to the living BigBlueButton.

    I have understood that you can add the login form to the living BigBlueButton on any page using the shortcode [bigbluebutton], but that will not work when you insert the code manually in my template.

    What can I put code to display the form on the sidebar?

    Thank you.


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  • Plugin Author J Federico


    Para ubicarlo en la barra lateral simplemente lo debes activar como Widget, osea que tu template debe soportar widgets.

    Si tu template soporta widgets simplemente ve apariencia, widgets y una vez ahi, selecciona bigbluebutton y arrastralo a la seccion en la que lo quieres mostrar.

    Puedes hacer la prueba con el template por default.

    Hi there,

    Bit late, but if anyone is looking, you can include the meeting list in the template like this :

    if ( shortcode_exists( 'bigbluebutton' ) ) {
    	echo bigbluebutton_shortcode();

    It works fine in my case whereas do_shortocode function returns nothing.

    I hope that helps,



    hey 2F i wasnt able to get the meetings to list in my wordpress template page using your:

    if ( shortcode_exists( ‘bigbluebutton’ ) ) {
    echo bigbluebutton_shortcode();

    also, when attempting to select a meeting from the plugins drop down list the meeting selected will not appear in the text box area. it remains blank, as if nothing has been selected. any suggestions on how to fix this?

    any help would be appreciated. thanks!


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