In the source I see that you’re using
and for paragraphs rather than <p>
. I’m not sure if that is something you’re doing or if the Fearless theme is doing that.
I don’t understand why it is being done that way. Normally <pre>
is used for when you want to use preformatted text and it uses a monospaced font. But all the text is being spanned using verdana font which is proportional.
The site doesn’t validate for a number of reasons and looking at the page source there are lots of mismatched tags, and nesting problems. This may be the theme’s fault but with that kind of code it’s hard to predict what the browser may do.
Just in this snippet of code I find these problems:
inside of <pre>
inside of <a>
inside of <a>
(and no closing </p>
<span><br /></span>
instead of <p></p>
to mark paragraphs
All of that invalid code is going to make it hard to debug the CSS.
<pre><div class="tpg-get-posts" ><div class="tpg-get-posts-post" ><div class="tpg-title-class"><h2><a href="" >New Members!</a></h2></div><p class="tpg-byline-class">By Nikolai on October 15, 2014</p><div class="tpg-content-class"><a href="">
<div class="tpg-thumbnail-class"></div>
<p></a><span style="font-family: verdana;">some text<br />
</span><span style="font-family: verdana;">some text<br />
</span><span style="font-family: verdana;">some text<br />
</span><span style="font-family: verdana;">some text<br />
</span><span style="font-family: verdana;">Nikolai</span></div>
</div></div><!-- #tpg-get-posts -->
I guess what I’m saying is before you get to far into this you might want to look at a theme that creates better code for you.