• Hi All,

    A bit of a wordpress & PHP newbie – hopefully someone will offer a simple suggestion.

    I have a wordpress restaurant site – all working well. There is a page however which does online food ordering, that my programmers have coded in PHP. They copied the same feel (layout and design) as my wordpress theme, however when I changed my wordpress layout, added a few widgets, the online ordering page they created did not change.

    My question:
    Is there a way I can copy my latest wordpress theme (including widgets and layout) into a PHP page (style.css)? I also need to add code to php header and footer files (top.tpl and bottom.tpl) but don’t know how.

    Thank you. Most appreciated.


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  • Your programmers have probably created your food customised ordering page using a custom page template, it will be found in with your theme files.
    Just maybe they have done it in a plugin instead, in this case it would be in a directory in the plugins directory. The easiest fix would be to get them to do the update for you, otherwise you will learn a lot following what they did.

    I also need to add code to php header and footer files (top.tpl and bottom.tpl) but don't know how.
    These files are in your theme directory. It goes without saying that you should be using a child theme

    ‘Is there a way I can copy my latest wordpress theme (including widgets and layout) into a PHP page’
    Using a child theme ans customising a page template is the best and safest way to do this. Read the standard page templates to get started, you will likely find one which is close, copy it and make your changes.

    Thread Starter gurkhas


    Thank you for the help RossMitchell. I sorted the problem out.


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