Changing the way links are formed
Very recently I discovered your plugin and I think it’s going to be very useful for me for the project I’m working on currently.
But I need to change the way links are formed so that in the list of users, when I click on the avatar or name of the user it should take me to: websitename/vendor/nameofuser
Instead of: websitename/author/nameofuser (how it is right now).
(On my site I have 2 user roles: vendors and customers and I’m using user tags only for vendors, to list them.)
So how can I go about changing the links?
Thank you,
Hi @tempera,
Good to know that it would be useful for you.
You can modify the template content, using the filter:
add_filter('ut_tepmplate_content', 'modiy_user_list'); function modify_user_list( $users ) { $content = ''; if( !empty($users ) ) { foreach ( $users as $user_id ) { $content = '<li class="ut-user-entry">' . get_avatar( get_the_author_meta( 'email', $user_id ), '96' ) . ' <h2 class="ut-user-title"><a href="' . esc_url( get_author_posts_url( $user_id ) ) . '">' . get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $user_id ) . '</a></h2> <div class="ut-description">' . wpautop( get_the_author_meta( 'description', $user_id ) ) . ' </div> </li>'; } }else{ //no user for the tag } return $content; }
you can modify the above code to you requirement.
I noticed that you replied very fast. Thank you so much for your answer and also for including code! I took some time to test it and try different variations to make it work for my situation, but I failed. ?? And then I didn’t want to bother you on a Sunday.I also tried to use the ut_template_content filter before writing the first time, but I didn’t succeed to achieve the result I need.
Now, I tried your code, but I get this error:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in …\theme-child\functions.php on line 46The line 46 is this one:
foreach ( $users as $user_id ) {
I’m not sure why I receive this error.. I placed the code in functions.php of my child theme, this is correct, right?
Also I have this code for creating a shortcode in order to list all the vendors on one page:
if (class_exists('WCV_Vendors')) { function wcvendors_vendorlist( $atts ){ $pv_settings = get_option('wc_prd_vendor_options'); $pv_perm = $pv_settings['vendor_shop_permalink']; $args = array ('role' => 'vendor'); $vendors = get_users($args); $html .= 'List of all vendors on my site<br>'; // Loop through all vendors and output a simple link to their vendor pages foreach ($vendors as $vendor) { if (!empty($vendor->pv_shop_slug)) { $shop_link = site_url($pv_perm.'/' .$vendor->pv_shop_slug ); $html .= ' <div style="display:inline-block; margin-right:10%;"><a href="'.$shop_link.'" rel="nofollow">'.get_avatar($vendor->ID, 200).'</a><br /><a href="'.$shop_link.'" rel="nofollow">'.$vendor->user_login.'<br />'.do_shortcode( '[button link="/girls/'.$vendor->user_login.'"]Visit my store![/button]' ).'</p> <p></a></div> <p>'; } } return $html; } add_shortcode( 'wcvendors_vendorlist', 'wcvendors_vendorlist' ); }
I should combine the code I have with yours to get what I want, right? But I’m not sure what to change.
Thank you,
AmiPS: I’m building the site on a local server.
Hi @tempra,
Local server is not the issue, thanks for being concerned about sunday ??
Here is the updated code:
add_filter('ut_tepmplate_content', 'modify_user_list', '', 2); function modify_user_list( $content, $user_id ) { $content = '<li class="ut-user-entry"> <h2 class="ut-user-title"><a href="#">' . get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $user_id ) . '</a></h2> <div class="ut-description">' . wpautop( get_the_author_meta( 'description', $user_id ) ) . ' </div> </li>'; return $content; }
This should work for you, there was a error in plugin, also the code I gave you was missing args.
Hope this works fine for you.
Thank you so much!
I don’t receive that error anymore. I feel I’m almost there, but still have some difficulty in forming the right url, but that’s not because of any faults in your code, but because of my lack of skill in coding for wordpress.
So, I also tried to change the line 273 from the usertags.php file. This is the line:
'slug' => 'author/' . $taxonomy_slug
I changed “author” to “vendor”, but the change doesn’t show up. In the list the links are still formed using “author”.
But I couldn’t find the word “author” in any plugin file..
I came back to say that I managed to do this using the filter in your code! Thank you so much for your help and pointing me in the right direction!
I wanted to ask you if it’s ok to change “wp_user_” in the file: user tags->lib->functions.php (on line 12 and on line 31) with something more suitable for my site?
I mean, is there any danger in doing that, except for the fact that I have to be very careful to change it each time when upgrading?
And I also wanted to add two things I noticed:
– If you accidentally click 2 or 3 times on the “Choose from the most popular Taxonomy”, the list of popular tags appears the number of times you clicked on it– Also, when the admin adds tags for other users, some tags get added to his own admin profile (even though that’s not his intention)
They don’t bother me that much, but I thought you should know.
Have a nice day,
AmiHi @tempra,
It’s really good to know that you were able to sort out the link issue by yourself :).
About the prefix, ‘wp_user_’, even I don’t like it much, but initially I added it to keep track of user taxonomies and separate it from other taxonomies.
You can experiment removing it, but you’ve to search the whole plugin code to make the required changes.If you’re not in hurry, I plan to do it by myself in upcoming release, but it might or might not take some time, as its mostly over my office work, I’ll spend some time over the plugin. Hope you understand the situation here ??
Also about the other error, Yes I’d sort them sooner, off course the plugin needs to be perfect and also thanks for your kind words ??
Best, Umesh
I’ll mark this topic as resolved since the original issue has been solved.
Just to give you feedback: I did experiment changing ‘wp_user_’ (I could only find it on line 12 and on line 31 in your plugin’s functions.php and I changed it in both places). Then I tested and it worked. Well, not the taxonomies that were created before that point. I had to delete them and create others. But after I changed the code the taxonomies were created using the prefix I replaced. And then I couldn’t find any disfunctionalities.
I think I will just have to very careful to always change this when I update the plugin. I’ll make some notes to remember and I’ll be ok. Because there is currently no way to change this and still be safe for updates, right? Well, if you’ll have the time to add this option someday in the future that’ll be great! But don’t worry, there’s no hurry if I can do it manually for now.
Of course, anything you decide to add in the plugin we can only be grateful and wait patiently, because everything takes time and you only have this much time in a day. ??
Best regards,
AmiHi @tempera,
I’ve removed the prefix, also other issues have been fixed in the latest release.
For removing prefix it required some changes in part which displays template for user taxonomies, so in case you haven’t updated, I’d suggest to do now, so that the changes you made do not interfere with other taxonomies.
Cheers, Umesh
Hi Umesh,
I have updated and everything you changed seems to be working great! You are a star! ??
I took some time to test it and indeed the user taxonomies already created before the update can’t be edited to change their slug and remove the prefix, but my site is not yet online, I am buidling it and testing on a local server so for me was not a problem to delete the previous taxonomies and create others.
Thank you so much for this update! I noticed that you were so quick to add the fixes and this change of removing the prefix! I’m impressed by your fast action! ??
I am using your plugin to create user taxonomies and then I use the Search&Filter plugin (from to create a search form for the user taxonomies. The search results are filtered using multiple taxonomies but they display results only taking into account the first taxonomy I selected.
For example:
I have Store A located in MyCity and selling Shoes.
I have Store B located in MyCity and selling Hats.“City” and “Type of clothes” are taxonomies and MyCity is a term of the “City” taxonomy and Shoes and Hats are the terms of the “Type of clothes” taxonomy.
When I choose MyCity AND Hats both Store A and Store B are shown, but only Store B would be correct. I guess that’s because of the template generated by the User Tags plugin that probably just takes the first taxonomy and it is probably not configured for this kind of situation. Is there something I could do to make it work?
I first wrote to the author of Search&Filter thinking it was a problem with their plugin, but I noticed that the search results page has a little title before the search results that says something like “City: MyCity” and nothing about other taxonomies I chose, that’s why I realized it’s the template.
And I also tested it with taxonomies created by other plugins and it worked with those.
(But I must mention that the search results links are looking much better and clean now – without the prefix of the taxonomies.) ??
Thank you and I hope you have a great week,
AmiHi @tempera,
It is a pleasure to know that things are coming out great for you, I’ll look up into the situation and will suggest possible solution as soon as I’m able to, I might not be that quick every time, although I’ll try, so that it doesn’t blocks your work.
Of course, you can take your time. Don’t worry if you can’t be as fast. I’m waiting patiently and I still have time for completing my project. ??
Hi @ami,
I need to lookup the Search& Filter plugin to check this, Off course I haven’t considered this mush details in plugin, so the fault could be mine or it may be the limitations of using the user taxonomies as they are not fully supported by WordPress core.
Anyway, I’ll check and see, if I could be of help in it.
Cheers, Have a happy weekend ??
Can you share the shortocodes you are using for Search and Filter?
Hi Umesh,
I’m happy to hear from you. ??
Following my example posted 2 weeks ago, lets say I tag vendors with a city, a type of clothes (for men, women or children) and a delivery option(delivery or pick-up). Of course: “city”, “type_of_clothes” and “delivery_option” would be taxonomies created with User Tags.
Then the shortcode I would be using is:
[searchandfilter fields=”search,city,type_of_clothes,delivery_option” submit_label=”Search!” search_placeholder=”What are you looking for?” types=”,,,checkbox” order_dir=”,,,asc” order_by=”,,,id” headings=”Vendor’s name,City,Type of clothes,As a delivery option I want:”]
If you need more details, please ask. Thank you for answering and for trying to see what could be the problem.
You too, have a nice week-end!
AmiHi Umesh,
How are you? I hope everything is well!
Is there any news on this? Did you find a way to make the two plugins work together? I really hope we will find a solution. ??
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