• As I’ve been validating my feed tonight I keep getting EOF Invalid HTML errors. Looking closer, I see that I have anchors in my feed that look like this:

    (a href=”someURI”title=”someTITLE”)text(/a)

    Note that there is no space between the href and title attributes. Upon checking my actual content, I found that I had actually written it this way:

    (a title=”someTITLE” href=”someURI”)text(/a)

    So, apparently, something somewhere is rewriting my anchors dynamically.

    A) I would like it to stop. But I can’t even identify what’s causing it much less stop it.

    B) Even if I can’t get it to stop how can I force it to leave a space after the closing quote-mark in the href so that my attributes are all seperated by spaces?

    This is frustrating.


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