• I do like what I have seen with this plugin. However, I’ve run into a serious snag that I wanted to bring to your attention.

    After adding a custom role in AAM 2.8.4 with WordPress 4.0, the Administrator role has disappeared.

    Existing Administrator users are still OK.

    I cannot add a new user and make it an Administrator.

    In the AAM Access Control page, the Administrator role is missing, so I cannot edit it nor can I create a new role based on Administrator capabilities.

    What do you suggest to bring back the Administrator role?

    Thanks in advance.


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  • Hi JoeBarisa

    I also was satisfied with AAM until 3 days ago. Tonight I’m not so sure. I don’t precisely know if AAM is the culprit but for sure I suddenly couldn’t get into the backoffice with an Access Denied message. After a deep analysis I ended up with the conclusion that I had lost all the WordPress default roles, including the adminitrator role ! That was the reason behind the error message. The users were still there but the asociated roles had disappeared as you said !

    The good news is that I’ve managed to restore all the missing roles thanks to what I’ve found on the Net. Here ‘s how I proceeded:

    First I restored the missing administrator role by executing a script as described here: https://www.zensky.net/index.php/restore-wp-admin-role-using-advance-access-manager-plugin-1165.html – a FTP access to your site is required.

    Then I was able to access as an administrator to the backoffice. So far so good !

    I deactivated AAM and installed/activated the Capability Manager plugin that has the capability of restoring all WordPress default roles. Here is the link: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/capsman/

    At that point all roles were restored as expected and all is working fine now.

    Hope this helps.

    I have the same problem and I paid for this plugin… ??

    Any solution?


    Had the same problem, but found a solution: the problem is in file aam.php, function editableRoles.
    Backup this file, and find this code on line 1066:

    if (empty($info['capabilities']["level_{$level}"])
           || !$info['capabilities']["level_{$level}"] ) {
        $filtered[$role] = $info;

    Replace it with this code:

    if (empty($info['capabilities']["level_{$level}"])
          || !$info['capabilities']["level_{$level}"]
          || $info['capabilities']["level_{$level}"] <= $level ) {
                        $filtered[$role] = $info;

    Voila, then it works!

    I’ve just had to do this also, please can we have an update for this plugin.

    It works a treat and I have bought the add ons.

    Has this problem been dealt with in the update I have just seen 2.8.5?

    I tried to add an admin after updating to 2.8.4 and I could not a second or third admin user?

    Thanks Papik81 for the hack. Hope to see this in an update soon.

    A abordagem do Papik81 funciona, porém ela passa por cima da diretiva criada no AAM Config, quando você coloca:

    super_admin = "[ID USER]"

    Isso deixará de funcionar quando colocar o código do Papik81.

    Para que isso continue funcionando e os demais usuários n?o possam visualizar o perfil Administrador, ent?o é preciso fazer uma outra altera??o:

    if ( empty($info['capabilities']["level_{$level}"])
        || !$info['capabilities']["level_{$level}"]
        || ($info['capabilities']["level_{$level}"]==true
        && $role!="administrator" )
       ) {
          $filtered[$role] = $info;


    This issue happened to me today.

    In a multi site, I was making a new role and all of a sudden – my role (as Super Admin) , and other administrators in the site — all had the role that I had just made.

    For now I disabled the AAM plugin at the network level. I left enabled on the other sites that use it and do not need any setup.

    I have it disabled on the site I got locked out of.

    How can I fix this?

    Is any update for WordPress 4.2 coming ?



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