• Resolved Pioneer Web Design


    I am using WPtouch https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wptouch/ and The Events Calendar https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/the-events-calendar/ Plugins here: //https://pvwd080814wmaapp.pioneervalleywebdesign.com/events/

    All is well except the events page on mobile (I am using Android 4.0.4 on a Verizon LG VS840PP3) using latest Chrome or the default browser.

    It is showing 4 events (there are only 4), but the first has no content or title etc.

    I have checked the database and there is nothing odd going on there…shows the 4 custom post type posts.

    I have created another custom post type members using functions.php, that is fine on mobile.

    The first post HTML output is:

    <div class="post section post-0 post-name- not-single not-page no-thumbnail no-thumbs">
    <a href="" class="loop-link tappable clearfix no-thumbs">
    <span class="post-date-author body-font">
    ? by WMAAPP	</span>
    <h2 class="post-title heading-font"></h2>
    <i class="arrow icon-angle-right"></i>
    <span class="bottom-border"></span>
    </a>	</div>

    The other three showing are correct.

    I cannot think of any more steps to troubleshoot here. Thoughts?

    EDIT: Additionally, the Event Venue and Event Organizer Details are not showing, but I guess this is due to WPtouch not grabbing the right templates from the other plugin (or theme), a known limitation of the free version.

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