• Hello all,
    Having said that they are still in production, but I notice too slow for my website known, however, that Mozilla Firefox is a tad faster than Google Chrome.

    I tried to disable all plugins and the site seems to regain speed, I’ve turned on gradually and still seems fast … once you are all active plant fearfully.

    This slowness is tested both locally and online.

    Whit DEBUG:
    Ho abilitato il DEBUG e non ho errore critici:

    [10-Nov-2014 10:58:49 UTC] PHP Strict Standards:  Declaration of Crumina_Metro_Nav_Menu::start_lvl() should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/menu-customizer/class-metro-walker.php on line 0
    [10-Nov-2014 10:58:49 UTC] PHP Strict Standards:  Declaration of Crumina_Metro_Nav_Menu::start_el() should be compatible with Walker_Nav_Menu::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $id = 0) in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/menu-customizer/class-metro-walker.php on line 0

    The version of WordPress that I used is 4.0

    Here is a list of the plugins I’ve used:
    bbPress 2.5.4
    bbPress – Report Content 1.0.4
    bbPress 1.1 Direct Quotes
    BuddyBlog 1.0.4
    BuddyPress 2.1.1
    BuddyPress Component Stats 1.0
    Contact Form 7 4.0.1
    Contact Form 7 – Dynamic Text Extension 1.2
    Contact Form 7 and Show Get Parameter from URL 0.9.6
    Crumina Menu Customizer
    Crumina page slider
    Display Posts Shortcode 2.4
    Responsive Easy Tabs 3.0
    Envato WordPress Toolkit
    1.3.1 Export emails
    Export User Data 0.9.6
    6.0.1 External Links
    Google Analytics by Yoast 5.0.7
    Plugin Installer 1.0
    WP LayerSlider
    List Pages Shortcode 1.7.1
    MailChimp for WordPress Lite 2.1.5
    Menu Items Visibility Control 0.3.1
    Metro Visual Builder
    My Custom CSS 1.5
    Post Content Shortcodes 0.4.1
    Price Table
    2.6.3 Restrict Categories
    Shortcodes in Sidebar Widgets 1.1
    TinyMCE Advanced 4.1.1
    User Role Editor 4.17.2
    View own posts and media library items only 1.3
    White Label CMS 1.5.2
    WordPress Access Control 4.0.13
    WordPress SEO 1.6.3
    WordPress 2.2.2 Social Login
    3.1.6 WP Bannerize
    WP Business Intelligence Lite 1.6
    WP Google Maps 6.0.29
    WP RSS Aggregator 4.6.3
    WP-Activity 2.0
    WP-Mail-SMTP 0.9.5

    What do I check?


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  • jack randall


    well, that’s an awful lot of plugins. each one of them has to load it’s own files and dependent files including css and javascript and then they have to execute php functions and query the database before you can even use them. i’m not surprised your site is loading and running slowly!

    do you really need them all? the following plugins should be removed from your site and these are the ones that are freely available in the wordpress plugins repository. you may be having issues with several other plugins that you’ve purchased but they’re not supported via this forum and you’ll need to get in touch with the individual companies/developers for help with them

    wp-mail-smtp 0.9.5 hasn’t been updated in a year – get rid of it.
    wp-activity .2.0 hasn’t been updated in nearly 2 years, take it out and shoot it.
    3.1.6 WP Bannerize hasn’t been updated in a year – get rid of it.
    White Label CMS 1.5.2 hasn’t been updated in a year – get rid of it.
    Shortcodes in Sidebar Widgets 1.1 hasn’t been updated in nearly 2 years, take it out and shoot it.
    2.6.3 Restrict Categories hasn’t been updated in about 9 months (use with caution but to be safe, get rid of it)
    My Custom CSS 1.5 hasn’t been updated in a year – get rid of it.
    Metro Visual Builder developer does not provide support for this plugin (use at own risk)
    Menu Items Visibility Control 0.3.1 not been updated in nearly 6 months, use with caution
    List Pages Shortcode 1.7.1 not been updated in nearly 6 months, use with caution
    1.3.1 Export emails hasn’t been updated in nearly a year
    Contact Form 7 and Show Get Parameter from URL 0.9.6 hasn’t been updated since march (use at own risk but i’d get rid of it)
    BuddyBlog 1.0.4 not updated in nearly a year and not compatible with the latest version buddypress, get rid of it
    bbPress 1.1 Direct Quotes not updated in nearly 2 years, take it out and shoot it
    bbPress – Report Content 1.0.4 not been updated since February, use at own risk but i’d get rid of it

    Thread Starter robertosalemi


    Hi Jack,
    some plugins out of data are very important for me.

    If I remove it, I replace them with what?


    jack randall


    you can probably find something that does the same thing that’s more current and compatible.

    but i’d strongly recommend getting rid of those plugins. some of them are digital antiques and the older they get the more of a technical liability they become and the greater the security threat they are to your site.

    wordpress has a built in plugin installer so you can get rid of the plugin installer plugin, if you’re using a custom css plugin i assume you know css and therefore you can edit the style.css file directly and save yourself some overhead (i hope you’re using a child theme too!).

    you can restrict access to posts in a category by setting them to private or applying a password to them so you don’t need a plugin to do that. you’ve already got the user role editor plugin installed so you can really drill down and restrict a lot of access with that.

    try wp-statistics for your user activity monitoring.

    if you want your site users to be able to blog then let them have author access and then they can create content and be searched under their names for all of the contributions.

    unless you have a really urgent need to change the mail function of wordpress, why bother?

    if you want to brand your dashboard and login search for that in the plugins repository. there are plenty to choose from.

    basically, trim away the fat. if it can be done by using wordpress’s own features then do that, if you have to use a plugin then go for one that’s as current as possible in terms of last update date and wordpress version and don’t be too emotionally connected to one way of doing things; you will have to change course as you go, modify your ideas and ditch things that you love to keep the project moving in the right direction. developers come and go, they get jobs and have families and can’t keep their work up to date and that means you have and i as website owners have to stay on top of things to make sure we’re secure and fast. sometimes you have to kill your darlings!


    Thread Starter robertosalemi


    Hi Jack,
    thanks for your support.

    MyCustom CSS: I will remove it and I will use Child Theme.

    Restrict Categories: I use it for set the the categories that the editor o other users with custom role are can see.
    With “User Role Editor” I generate custom role for users.

    WP-Activity: I tried replace it with “WP-Statistics” but this two plugin generate two different report.
    The first shows the activity of user (logged in, post, edit, add), the second returns the statistics about the user that visit that site.

    WP-Mail-SMTP: without this configuration the system not send email.

    Now I check if which plugins out of date I can delete and I will find a custom solutions.


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