My new blog!
Hello, I just made my blog live! Please let me know what you think. If there are any errors or problems, please let me know. Thank you!
Can someone please give me some feedback?
*cough* *cough* Sorry, don’t mind me, I just had something in my throat. While you’re here, why not leave some feedback? Even if it’s negative, just be honest…please? I’m desperate.
Well, it’s a blog. I usually run fast from black background sites but at least I can read yours. Thanks for making the type easy enough for us old folks.
Tell you what, I’ll trade reviews with you. Since you’re a designer you might have insight on mine:
Ok, excellent, thank you very much for your feedback, I have posted on your website as well.
I know it’s kinda simple, but what do you think about the design of It’s essentially what I based my site’s design on. Extremely simplistic.
Your theme looks nice and sleek but I noticed it was quite tricky to spot the links in the about page. Maybe change color for the links or underline them? Just a suggestion ??
Thank you ben. I think you’re right. I’ve been feeling the same way for awhile now. The links simply being bold isn’t quite enough. I’ll change that. Thank you for that constructive criticism. It means alot to me.
Interesting design concept. It will be a challenge to maintain the style and still keep the flow. That isn’t a criticism but a respect for the challenge. If I were to change something I might do subtle style changes to the header. It is the static part and the quick summary of what is to follow. I like juxtaposition and that is what is lacking.
Nice site though.
Thanks for the positive feedback, IcelandDream!
I know what you mean, I want to have crazy-awesome graphics, but I want the site to constantly feel simple, but I also want there to be a lot to see, graphically.I also try to make remotely interesting posts. I find it interesting when people talk about their thoughts on their own site, so I post alot about that, design ideas, etc. I have the next 2 days off from work, so I think I will try to add some more subtle graphics to the site, unless, as you say, I find it difficult to ‘keep the flow’, or the feeling of the site.
Like it paul, great design and color scheme… it flows and isn’t boring the way typical dark or black, white and gray sites are.
Wow Kernkraft, thank you for that awesome feedback, much appreciated!
I really like it Paul. Very slick design, and it doesn’t look like your stereotypical WordPress site, which is always a good thing! Check mine out: The New Theatre. I’m new to Web Design and, like you, am gagging for feedback!
Hi Ali,
Thank you very, very much for the positive feedback, it really means alot to me just to get any feedback, but it really feels great to know that people, such as yourself like my design.
As far as your design goes, I’m going to be blunt and honest, only because I’m sleepy right now. ??
Pros: I love the layout, and the features and content that are offered on your site. The Ajax on the site prefs moves very fluidly in firefox, at least. Basically as far as content and ease of navigation and layout are concerned, I think it’s awesome.
Cons: I’m not crazy about the color scheme. The font colors are fine, cant go wrong with black and white, but the orange and purple dont do it for me. If these colors must be used, like if they are the theaters official colors or something, consider using them sparingly on a more neutral background, like black or white. Orange and purple are very strong colors, and they can overwhelm your design if used too often. I’m also not crazy about the logo graphic, I think more time should be spend making it look smoother in photoshop or gimp. It and the text looks pixelated around the edges. The header graphic is very important to get just right.
So basically tweak the color scheme and those graphics, and you’ve got a very lovely site. Excellent work, I know it must have taken a long time to make because there is alot of content there, and you did an excellent job of laying all of that content out.
This is all just my opinion, I am not a professional, so take what I say with grain of salt. Get more people’s opinion, and see if anyone has anything else to add.
Good job, good luck.
I don’t like the whole “absolute black on absolute white” thing you have going on. go easy on my eyes!
I liked it! Good design well done.
Tone down the white lettering. It does hurt the eyes. On my CRT monitor it is blindingly bright. It might not be so bright on flat-screen monitors I suppose….
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