• Resolved peter.fath


    Hi, i installed the widget on multisites(wordpress network), and found out in one site it works perfect , but when i want to fill birthdays on the second page it tells me always “jQuery”-fault … what can i do ?

    I really like the widget it’s as perfect as simple. Thanks Peter


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  • Plugin Author Sudavar


    Hi, it’s true that we haven’t tested it on multisites. Can you provide a link either here or drop an email to [email protected]?

    Thread Starter peter.fath


    This is the site it works : https://www.rtlradio.de/geburtstagsgruesse/

    and this is the site it doesn’t work https://www.rtlradio.de/ukw/geburtstagsgruesse/


    Plugin Author Sudavar


    This error appears when you enable wp_debug? Can you please write the full text of the error? I couldn’t trace it on page, does it appear when you are in the admin area?

    Plugin Author Sudavar


    Maybe i was mislead by the error you mentioned. In the second site, you should like to see what birthdays? The same from the first site? Now all birthdays are saved in our table without separation of sites etc. So in your case we should see the same birthdays in the second site.

    Thread Starter peter.fath


    Yes it appears in the admin area… i write a name and a date in the formular as you do normal … then press on save and the following notice in the top shows up… here is a link to a screenshot https://www.rtlradio.de/ukw/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/11/Birthdays-Widget-?-RTLRADIO.de-UKW-—-WordPress.jpg

    Thread Starter peter.fath


    Just to make sure .. i installed the plugin in the network, then i activated it for both sides… then i started puting up birthdays on the widget on the first site and included it with the shortcode, then i went to the second site and wanted to do the same … but then it shows the fault like on the screenshot

    Plugin Author Sudavar


    Ok, it is a Query error (not jQuery as you mentioned above) so it can’t insert records in the 2nd site, apparently our table is not available or something. I got the problem now, please hold on until i fix it in the upcoming version.

    Plugin Author lion2486


    Can you tell me if you have activated the plugin via Network Administration Panel or via each Blog?

    Thread Starter peter.fath


    @ Sudavar, yes that is exactly what happens, thanks a lot , so just wait for the update – @lion2486 yes i activated the plugin via network administration panel, there was no other possibility … Greeting Peter

    Plugin Author lion2486


    You can always activate every plugin in one-by-one blog.
    We are checking it.

    Plugin Author lion2486


    Ok, The version 1.6.0 should work just fine. If you have any more problem feel free to contact us again. If you like our plugin leave a rating and a review. Thank you.

    Thread Starter peter.fath


    Hi guys, first of all , thanks for working on it… but what happens now is the following… i went to the networkadmin panel and did the update.. it told me “everything is fine” so i went back to the page admin area and suddenly the plugin was dissapeard completely on both pages, so next i tried was to save the zip file and install it… then it told me the following: Extracting the file… Plugin is installing… (but then) Plugin couldn’t be installed ,because there are no functional Plugins found… Sorry installation failed… I have no idea what happens (by the way sorry for my english )

    Plugin Author lion2486


    hmm… You may try to remove all files and try to install again ?
    Make plugin delete and then install again.
    If you want I can try to remove all the files-options manually and try the reinstall. For that I’ll need access to the mysql and the network administrator page, you can email them at lion{at}codescar.eu

    Plugin Author lion2486


    I have made a mistake in version tagging. Wait next release in some minutes.

    Thread Starter peter.fath


    ok …waiting ??

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