• I’m using X theme (integrity Light) to create a sports team website with WP Club Manager plugin. I want to make certain tweaks to the code, both generally and in the plugin, but I have *no idea* where I’m supposed to edit the code (aside from little things in the ‘custom’ tab of the ‘customise’ sidebar)?!

    Every google attempt to find answers I’ve made has skipped over the part where it says where the editable code is. Under ‘Appearance>Editor’ there’s a big old list of various .php links, but when I click on a lot of them, they just come up with a brief description, and then instructions for accessing the correct part e.g. (for footer.php):

    [ Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button. ]

    // =============================================================================
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // The site footer. Consists of the top footer area for widgets and the bottom
    // footer area for secondary information. Includes wp_footer() hook as well.
    // Content is output based on which Stack has been selected in the Customizer.
    // To view and/or edit the markup of your Stack's index, first go to "views"
    // inside the "framework" subdirectory. Once inside, find your Stack's folder
    // and look for a file called "wp-footer.php," where you'll be able to find the
    // appropriate output.
    // =============================================================================
    <?php x_get_view( x_get_stack(), 'wp', 'footer' ); ?>

    This bit about ‘go to“views” inside the “framework” subdirectory…WHERE DOES THE “FRAMEWORK” SUBDIRECTORY EXIST? Should I be able to edit the code in this area of WordPress (and therefore something’s gone wrong) or am I supposed to be accessing the mythical “framework” subdirectory somewhere completely different?

    Does this have something to do with ftp? I downloaded Filezilla thinking that that must be the way forward, and then can’t login / connect for love nor money, so that exploratory option is now out.

    Could it be something to do with the fact that we are working off of a mirror site e.g. https://www.domainname.host.co.uk instead of just https://www.domainname.co.uk?

    If anyone can help me at all, that would be amazing! I’m a real novice at this, we’re only doing this because pitchero said we can only have 3 of our teams on the site [our club has 10] plus full page ads etc if we refuse to pay monthly (24 mth contract i think) for the same features we had been receiving for free ?? Sorry to be a Dolly Raincloud but me and my sister are at the end of our tethers on this one, soon to be catatonic from ignorance-induced rage!

    PS Imagine I’m really stupid…

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