Inconsistent paypal integration using coupon
Full course price £97
Coupon value 90% discount.Message in Coursepress at checkout ‘coupon succesfully applied’ Price £10
Checkout and taken to Paypal where price shows £9.70 instead of £10 (and £9.70 is correct, but the two figures should be consistent for customer confidence).After Paypal customer is returned to CoursePress where message reads
“the coupon previously applied to your cart has been removed as it is no longer applicable” and that ‘your Paypal order of £0 is complete’.Customer can then access the course.
However, they have actually been charged the full £97. Not the £9.70 they should have been, nor the £0 they were told they were.Screenshots here:
Note: In separate thread noted that sale option doesn’t work either.
I am using latest versions of CoursePress and MarketPress on a near clean installaton of WP4.0 (only Askimet added)
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