• Hi guys,

    I know there has being post on this but I have tried it and it hasn’t worked. Please see the code that I’m using. Can anyone please let me know what I’m doing wrong.

    add_filter(‘tc_credits_display’, ‘my_custom_credits’);
    function my_custom_credits(){
    $credits = ‘yourdigitalninja’;
    $newline_credits = ‘My site‘;
    return ‘

    · ? ‘.esc_attr( date( ‘Y’ ) ).’ ‘.esc_attr(get_bloginfo()).’ · ‘.($credits ? $credits : ‘Urban Interiors’).’ ·’.($newline_credits ? $newline_credits.’ ·’ : ”).’ ‘;


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  • You have to prefix it with <div class="span4 credits"><p> and to postfix it with </p></div>.
    So your code should be:

    add_filter('tc_credits_display', 'my_custom_credits');
    function my_custom_credits(){
      $credits = 'yourdigitalninja';
      $newline_credits = 'My site';
      return '&middot; &copy; '.esc_attr( date( 'Y' ) ).' '.esc_attr(get_bloginfo()).' &middot; '.($credits ? $credits : 'Urban Interiors').' &middot;'.($newline_credits ? $newline_credits.' &middot;' : '').'</p></div>';

    Furthermore I suggest you tu use HTML entities for mid dot and copyright sign (I already replaced it in the code)

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