Hello, hello! First of all, I’m not sure if there’s a pro version of this plug-in, but my company would buy it in a heartbeat if it would mean we didn’t have to fiddle with it. ??
We’ve been unable to port in our Google Apps calendar– the display looks right, but it’s not pulling any events, and I’m worried I have settings wrong. I have NOT done anything with the Google API, so that may be where I’m falling short. If that’s the problem, I would be very grateful for any guidance on how to do that, and if there’s a way to do it without building the calendar all over again.
We’re at: https://opendoortestprep.com/
The calendar is located in right-most footer widget under “Upcoming Events.”
I have confirmed that:
— I am using Version 2.1.3 & the most recent WordPress
— the Google calendar ID is correct
— the feed shortcode is correct
— the Google calendar is set to shared / public
— there are, in fact, events in the calendar
— the calendar cache is clear
My current settings are:
— Expand Recurring Events: YES
— Date & time format: blank
— Cache duration: 43200
— Display mode: LIST
— Show Paging Links: unclicked
— Number of Events per Page: 7 EVENTS
— Display Start Date Offset: 10 days BACK
— Minimum Feed Start Date: 1 MONTHS back
— Maximum Feed End Date: 2 YEARS forward
— everything under Display Options: blank or unchecked
The feed box contains the following code:
<div class="gce-list-event gce-tooltip-event">[event-title]</div>
[if-not-all-day]<div><span>Starts:</span> [start-time]</div>[/if-not-all-day]
[if-location]<div><span>Location:</span> [location]</div>[/if-location]
Thanks so much for any help you can give me!