• I installed the free version of SaleJunction in WAMP. I inserted pictures above my product description and then published them. I noticed that my pictures are not being displayed above my product description in the Feature Products section. I only see their description and price. I only see their picture when I click on the product link.

    How can I get the pictures to display on the feature products page?

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  • having the same problem, anyone can help? will be much appreciated!

    Theme Author inkthemescom


    Hi 01010011 and 2205061096,

    To show the image above the product description you have to set the featured image in your post. For this you edit your post find box Featured image click on

    Set feature image

    , then update the post. Now your post have picture.

    I think this may resolve your problem.

    I’m just installing salejunction themes and follow all the instruction, including put an image on “feature image” in Product Page.

    But when i run the site, still the image not show, only price and short description who.

    Is there anyone can help me ?

    Does it work for anyone?

    “featured image” in Product Page also not displaying for me either, is this a feature limitation of the free version?

    If not, lets have the solution please InkThemes!
    Otherwise whilst this is a good theme option it should be abandoned…

    Great Theme… But I’ve exact the same problem and my collegue also. Please help us. Thx!

    I had this problem as well. Turns out the problem lies in the function that fetches the featured image.

    To fix this, open the file shop-loop.php located in [root]/wp-content/themes/salejunction/lib in a text editor and find line 70 (I recommend something like Notepad++ or SublimeText2 for this, as they give you line numbers).
    The line originally says “<?php get_the_post_thumbnail_id(); ?>”, which is wrong.
    Replace it with “<?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>” and it should work fine!

    Morphman86 thanks for help. did you know why when i go to /shop to see all products i have the same problem? no thumbnails just description



    @inkthemes: Please help us with the issue.. I cannot see any image on the SHOP page after installation. Please come up with some solution.
    I was having issue with home page to, but Morphman86’s code helped me to solve that issue. How to resolve the shop page thumbnail issue. Please…
    any help would be appreciated




    Hi all. I was having the same issue on my “shop” page – no thumbnails were showing with the products. Just out of curiosity, I tried Morphman86’s solution on a the content-product.php file to replace the thumbnail code there.

    So I replaced “<?php get_post_thumbnail_id();?>” with “<?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>” and it did the trick for me.

    Hope this helps some others too!

    Anitra, Thanks that helps me out!

    I have a strange situation.

    Was trying your advices, but doesn’t work. and this is how the show page looks like with 1 product:


    Anyone can help?

    Also, I have several problems…

    Here the amount input is green and shouldn’t be, also the writing in the “add to cart” button doesn’t fit it.

    And last but not least – product thumbnails don’t link to products, only their names in the product block do that.

    Morphman86′s hint worked to show the featured-product images.
    anitrawolf′s hint worked to show the images on the shop site. Thanks for your help!

    @czapeczek The problem with “add to cart” is because the translation of it is longer then expected… To fix this most simply change the font size of “add to cart” by going to

    and changing the fontsize to 13px in line 3160 of style.css
    That worked for me.

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