Hi Bill, I think I know where the confusion lies. It looks like your site is hosted over at WordPress.com, not running on your own hosting. That means that plugins and themes are built in, but can’t be uploaded by you.
If you’d like to add a style for pull quotes, you can do that by adding some custom CSS, since you have the upgrade available.
For example, under Appearance > Customize > CSS, add something like:
.pullquote {
font-size: 140%;
font-style: italic;
font-family: Georgia, Times, serif;
You would then add that class to your pull quote, flipping the editor to Text view to add something like this:
<p class="pullquote">This is my pullquote text, hear me roar.</p>
You can learn more about the difference between the two flavours of WordPress here:
In the future, you can get help with your WordPress.com site in the WordPress.com forums here:
Here are some tips on getting the best support there:
Good luck!