• i have added the following code to reactivate the time in woocommerce orders but I would like to add the time when woocommece emails new orders

    This is what I have added to my functions.php

    add_filter( ‘post_date_column_time’, ‘custom_post_date_column_time’, 10, 2 );
    function custom_post_date_column_time( $h_time, $post ) {
    return get_the_time( __( ‘Y/m/d g:i:s A’, ‘woocommerce’ ), $post );

    My current new order template is std and looks like…..

    * Admin new order email (plain text)
    * @author WooThemes
    * @package WooCommerce/Templates/Emails/Plain
    * @version 2.0.0
    if ( ! defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly

    echo $email_heading . “\n\n”;

    echo sprintf( __( ‘You have received an order from %s. Their order is as follows:’, ‘woocommerce’ ), $order->billing_first_name . ‘ ‘ . $order->billing_last_name ) . “\n\n”;

    echo “****************************************************\n\n”;

    do_action( ‘woocommerce_email_before_order_table’, $order, $sent_to_admin, $plain_text );

    echo sprintf( __( ‘Order number: %s’, ‘woocommerce’), $order->get_order_number() ) . “\n”;
    echo sprintf( __( ‘Order link: %s’, ‘woocommerce’), admin_url( ‘post.php?post=’ . $order->id . ‘&action=edit’ ) ) . “\n”;
    echo sprintf( __( ‘Order date: %s’, ‘woocommerce’), date_i18n( __( ‘jS F Y’, ‘woocommerce’ ), strtotime( $order->order_date ) ) ) . “\n”;
    echo sprintf( __( ‘Order time: %s’, ‘woocommerce’), date_i18n( __( ‘jS F Y’, ‘woocommerce’ ), strtotime( $order->order_date ) ) ) . “\n”;

    do_action( ‘woocommerce_email_order_meta’, $order, $sent_to_admin, $plain_text );

    echo “\n” . $order->email_order_items_table( false, true, ”, ”, ”, true );

    echo “———-\n\n”;

    if ( $totals = $order->get_order_item_totals() ) {
    foreach ( $totals as $total ) {
    echo $total[‘label’] . “\t ” . $total[‘value’] . “\n”;

    echo “\n****************************************************\n\n”;

    do_action( ‘woocommerce_email_after_order_table’, $order, $sent_to_admin, $plain_text );

    echo __( ‘Customer details’, ‘woocommerce’ ) . “\n”;

    if ( $order->billing_email )
    echo __( ‘Email:’, ‘woocommerce’ ); echo $order->billing_email . “\n”;

    if ( $order->billing_phone )
    echo __( ‘Tel:’, ‘woocommerce’ ); ?> <?php echo $order->billing_phone . “\n”;

    wc_get_template( ’emails/plain/email-addresses.php’, array( ‘order’ => $order ) );

    echo “\n****************************************************\n\n”;

    echo apply_filters( ‘woocommerce_email_footer_text’, get_option( ‘woocommerce_email_footer_text’ ) );

    Please help


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  • Replace:

    echo sprintf( __( 'Order date: %s', 'woocommerce'), date_i18n( __( 'jS F Y', 'woocommerce' ), strtotime( $order->order_date ) ) ) . "\n";
    echo sprintf( __( 'Order time: %s', 'woocommerce'), date_i18n( __( 'jS F Y', 'woocommerce' ), strtotime( $order->order_date ) ) ) . "\n";


    echo sprintf( __( 'Order date: %s', 'woocommerce'), date_i18n( __( 'jS F Y', 'woocommerce' ), strtotime( $order->order_date ) ) ) . "\n";
    echo sprintf( __( 'Order time: %s', 'woocommerce'), date_i18n( __( 'H:i a', 'woocommerce' ), strtotime( $order->order_date ) ) ) . "\n";

    Left the date line in so you can see what’s changed.
    Read here for reference:

    Try altering the format in this line from a date format to a time format:

    echo sprintf( __( 'Order time: %s', 'woocommerce'), date_i18n( __( 'g:i:s A', 'wooc.....

    The format letters you can use are here:

    When posting code, select all the code and click the code button just above the edit box. This keeps it formatted nicely.

    Thread Starter mickuk


    Thank you soo much people that has worked a treat….

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