I see the problem, it seems you use some plugin to hide [Add to cart] button and Product meta data , or may be this product is out of stock. PDF, Doc and Print buttons have been hided with [Add to cart] and Product meta data. So just do something to show [Add to Cart] button and all other buttons will be displayed too.
However if you don’t want to do that, you can put this CSS file at the end of current theme style.css…
1) Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Editor
2) on the right main screen will be opened the style.css
3) Scroll it down and put this code at the end
.woocommerce-page .product_meta{
4) Click on Update file button
5) Go to front and do Ctrl+F5 to reload all css file.
That’s it
Also I see the Print Button is the different. After the actions I mentioned above, go to WooPP > Print Manager , find “Type of button” option and change it to icon.