• How can I remove the Product SKU from displaying next to the Product Name in the following e-mail’s only? customer-processing-order.php, customer-invoice.php & customer-completed-order.php. My client wants to be able to view the sku when an order comes through, but doesn’t want the customer to be able to view it at any point.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    <img src=”https://i58.tinypic.com/sb51s2.jpg&#8221; />

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  • Hi robbyooooo,

    Did you ever find the answer to this?

    I found an answer that says to edit:

    "<?php echo $order->emailorderitems_table( true, false, true ); ?>"

    but to remove the SKU only on emails, what exactly am changing these to?

    If someone has the answer that would be awesome!

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