• In the older version there was the wp-condif-extras file where you could add additional smilies. Where would one do that with version 1.2? I am not seeing the extras file.

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  • check out Alex King’s plug in: https://www.alexking.org/index.php?content=software/wordpress/content.php#wp_120
    Is that what you were looking for? Or do you mean add your own additional ones?

    In WP 1.2 you add any extra ones in the “/wp-includes/vars.php” file.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Oh, I mean my own ones I would like to add to the ones already there.
    OH! But while I am on it. I installed Alex’s killer smilie hack which was super easy except that my images aren’t actually showing up. They show up in the entries but in my post window I get the broken image along with the command (:sad:) in where the smilie should show up. What the hell did I do to get that? Or didn’t I do?

    There may be a problem with the image file itself. Before doing anything drastic I would suggest you upload the image again but before you do delete the existing one incase of any overwrite problems. Then try again. Failing that I defer to people with more knowledge cuz I know messing with the vars.php file for smilies that already exist in your posts can cause problems.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    hmmmm..crapola. Thanks. I can’t seem to get my images to show up. BUT at least I can get them in there and I can see them when I post. Maybe I should be happy with that for now. ROFL

    Back again. It really can’t be as hard as I am making it out to be. I added smilies into the vars.php file but I cam not getting those to show up in my entries.
    The other part is I installed the smilie hack but none of the smilies show up in the post window. Only broken image files.
    Anyone have any ideas?

    If you are using 1.2 you need the plugin, not the hack (or use get_settings(‘siteurl’) in the hack).

    Wait, I am confused. I don’t need the hack? Where? In the my-hacks.php or in the quicktags? Would this take care of the image problem in the “write” window and in my entries?

    Okay, I got the plugin to work with a reinstall and activate. Now, anyone know how to add additional smilies??? ??

    It seems to me better to define your smilies in wp-config.php, so it won’t get overwritten next time you upgrade. I did it by adding the following near the end of wp-config.php
    $wpsmiliestrans = array(
    ‘ :)’ => ‘icon_smile.gif’,
    ‘ :D’ => ‘icon_biggrin.gif’,
    ‘ :)’ => ‘icon_smile.gif’,
    I’m still having problem with adding my own smilies to the list though ??

    no, i was wrong! even though the comment says that, the declaration in vars.php does get executed even when I define the array in my wp-config.php
    strange things is, the order I define them in wp-config.php does influence the ordering of the smilies above my textarea, and the keyboard shortcuts defined there was used instead of those in vars.php. BUT, in the post itself, the replacement of texts with smiley images were done according to the definitioni in vars.php.

    First add your smilies to wp-images/smilies then go to vars.php, look for the smilie trans stuff
    ‘ :?’ => ‘icon_confused.gif’,
    ‘ :-?’ => ‘icon_confused.gif’,
    ‘ :???:’ => ‘icon_confused.gif’,
    ‘ 8)’ => ‘icon_cool.gif’,
    ‘ 8-)’ => ‘icon_cool.gif’,
    ‘:cool:’ => ‘icon_cool.gif’,
    Looks like that ^. And than just add something like;
    ‘:banghead:’ => ‘banghead.gif’,
    between them.
    It worked for me.

    Thanks! It works!

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