• I noticed that the export report didn’t include the detail of whether or not a donation was UK Gift Aided so I’ve added the following snippets of code to seamless-donations/admin-views/export.php to make this work:

    echo "\"Designated Fund\",\"Gift Aid\",\"Gift Item\",\"Phone\",\"Email\",\"Address\",\"Address 2\",";

    $gift_aid = get_post_meta( $donationID, '_dgx_donate_uk_gift_aid', true );
    if ( empty( $gift_aid ) ) {
        $uk_gift_aid_message = "No";
    } else {
        $uk_gift_aid_message = "Yes";

    echo "\"$designatedFundName\",\"$uk_gift_aid_message\",\"$gift_item_title\",\"$phone\",\"$email\",\"$address\",\"$address2\",";

    Hopefully this should be easy enough to work out where to put this code for everyone.

    Cheers, Greg.


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