WP 4.1 – 502 Bad Gateway when deleting themes or plugins
502 Bad Gateway
The server returned an invalid or incomplete response.After the upgrade to 4.1, I get a 502 message whenever I try to delete a plugin or a theme within WP. It happens whether there are a dozen plug-ins in an older site or a single plugin in a fresh install.
I have no issues installing themes or plugins. I can also delete them manually from the server.
try a few basic troubleshooting steps:
– Flushing any caching plugins you might be running, as well as server and/or browser caches.
– deactivating ALL plugins temporarily to see if this resolves the problem (plugin functions can interfere). If this works, re-activate them individually (one-by-one) to find the problematic plugin(s). When you can’t get into your admin dashboard, try deactivating via FTP or SFTP or whatever file management application your host provides (also read https://codex.www.ads-software.com/FAQ_Troubleshooting#How_to_deactivate_all_plugins_when_not_able_to_access_the_administrative_menus.3F). Also remember to deactivate any plugins in the mu-plugins folder (If you have such folder). The easiest way is to rename that folder to mu-plugins-old.
– If that does not resolve the issue, try switching to the unedited default Twenty Fifteen Theme for a moment using the WP dashboard to rule out any theme-specific issue (theme functions can interfere like plugins). When you don’t have access to your admin area, use FTP or SFTP or whatever file management application your host provides. Navigate to /wp-content/themes/ and switch to the default theme by renaming your current theme’s folder by adding “-old” to the end of the folder name via FTP or SFTP or whatever file management application your host provides. Alternately, you can remove other themes except the default theme. That will force your site to use it.
– If that does not resolve the issue, try resetting the plugins foldervia FTP or SFTP or whatever file management application your host provides. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems (because the hooks remain unless plugins completely removed or some plugins stick around in cached files. So by renaming the folder, you break them and force them inactive).502 Bad Gateway is a server error. It is not a WordPress issue. Try a different browser, clear cookies from the current browser and contact your host.
Thanks. I figured that as well. We are the host as we maintain several of our own servers. I had my lead tech look into it but he says it is a WordPress issue. It would be a pretty big coincidence if it wasn’t because we did not have this issue before we upgraded to 4.1 and made no other changes on the server.
I did all the things recommended by Tara above, including a fresh 4.1 install running twenty-fifteen, with no plugins but Akismet which came with it. I deleted that plugin manually via SFTP. I then installed Contact Form 7 just to test. Installed fine. Tried to delete, 502.
Also, local browser caches all cleared. No luck. Any other advice on how to troubleshoot it would be appreciated.
A 502 error is a server error. Tell your tech it occurs when one server needs to talk to another server and can’t for some reason. Have you got files stored on two servers?
I am also encountering this on all sites updated past 4.0.1. It is manifesting as a “The connection was reset” error, however, as my sites’ update functions employ SSH2.
On the server side, I see two attempts for each deletion attempted: It logs the login/open, followed by init messages (umask on, chmod denied), then immediate SFTP finished/close. No file operations are logged at all.
It is acting as if the request to delete is abending during the action…
The original reporter may be accessing their site through a proxy of some sort — the 502 error is what would be reported to them when the “backend”/host server drops the connection like this.
I’ve confirmed that this operation works 100% on WP 4.0.1. The same site updated to 4.1 fails. (NOTE: This is also failing on 4.2alpha…)
(And FWIW, I’m also noting that the Settings -> General page is incomplete — no submit or footer, as if it were abending during page generation. This also tracks with the 4.1 upgrade. I doubt it’s the same problem, but I suppose it might be possible…)
dlmeyer – Check yours with all plugins disabled and after a manually re-install of the core files.
Thanks, dlmeyer. I have another post in the forum for the issues we are also having with half of the General Settings page missing and no Save Changes button there.
Here is the post I created for the missing Save Changes button and missing fields on the General Settings page: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/save-changes-button-and-several-fields-missing-on-general-settings
Okay, hang on. BOTH of you do this:
1) DELETE wp-admin and wp-includes folders
2) Download fresh copies of WP and upload it to your server
3) Disable ALL plugins (rename the folder plugins-off)
See where that gets you.
Already tried with clean site, Ipstenu.
(Fresh updated site, no plugins added: add ‘Hello Dolly’ — success. Remove ‘Hello Dolly’ — FAIL.)
I found the following [error] logged: When I started looking at the correct error.log…)
[Fri Dec 19 16:09:33 2014] [error] [client ##.##.##.##] PHP Warning: stream_set_timeout(): No support for ssh2 stream timeout. Please recompile with libssh2 >= 1.2.9 in /export/prod/L/xxxxx.itcs.illinois.edu/public/wordpress/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ssh2.php on line 139, referer: https://xxxxx.itcs.illinois.edu/wp-admin/plugins.php?action=delete-selected&checked%5B0%5D=hello.php&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s&_wpnonce=xxxxxxxxxx
————————-Same host/environment with WP 4.0.1 yields success – no sign of this error. This implies something new, perhaps an extra step in ‘includes/class-wp-filesystem-ssh2.php’?
Thanks. We also tried a brand new install of 4.1 in a new directory that had only the Akismet plugin because it came with WP and also this hello dolly thing. I deleted both at the server level.
Tried to delete a WP theme. 502. Installed Contact Form 7 and then tried to delete it. 502.
Just as an aside since it was brought up: General settings page had all the options and a save changes button in the new 4.1 install. Logged out and back in. Half the options gone. Saved changes button gone.
We just completed a new install of 4.0.1 on the same server. Deleted a theme, deleted a plugin, no problem. Note we also use SSH2.
Well… oookay.
Try installing this: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/ssh-sftp-updater-support/
I am aware of how odd this is, but I think it’s actually a PHP libssh issue on your server. Why it’s breaking in 4.1, I’m not sure.
Quick update. We did a fresh install of 4.0.1. Checked General Settings page and all fields there. Touched nothing else. Updated to version 4.1. Now, half the fields in General Settings are gone as is the Save Changes button. Also, 502 when trying to delete a theme or a plugin.
Another untouched version of 4.0.1 (we did three fresh installs to test) still has its full General Settings fields and I can still delete themes and plugins from it.
Thank you! SSH SFTP Updater Support seems to have fixed the issue for me. I can even see the full General Settings page now.
The only issue I see now is the General Settings > Site Language field is spewing code like” “Strict Standards: Declaration of WP_Filesystem_SSH2::delete() should be compatible with WP_Filesystem_Base::delete($file, $recursive = false, $type = false) in /disk1/…
General Settings > Site Language
This is useful info. Basically, your server or version of PHP is running a long outdated version of the libssh2 code.
One of the things WordPress 4.1 has that 4.0.1 did not is an improved language selector.
Specifically, whereas WordPress 4.0 would show you a list of the languages you already had installed, WordPress 4.1 will, if you have a writable filesystem, get the list of available languages from our API here, and allow you to choose, and then auto-install them for you. This makes it much easier to switch languages and the like.
So, when it’s doing the filesystem work to try to use the SSH code, you’re getting warnings and such because it’s using an outdated version of libssh. You didn’t get this in 4.0.1 because it didn’t do any of that same filesystem code in the general settings screen.
Updating your server is the only real long-term solution here. Old versions of libraries like this can introduce security issues. Additionally, you may want to update your version of PHP as well. I’d say to use 5.4 or 5.5 at minimum.
Ultimately, no plugin is going to fix this for you. Not really. A plugin might be able to replace the parts that aren’t working with other code, but a server problem is a server problem and needs to be fixed there. If the code is that old, it might have security ramifications to not update it as well.
Update PHP, update your SSH libraries, just do a general update of everything, really.
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