• Hello,

    I just set up my first WP page, and I’m currently trying to get it to look the way I want it to.
    This is proving to be more challenging than I thought.
    Some questions, I’d much appreciate any or all answers I can get:

    1) When I make pages using the CODE tab, I use tags like <p> and <br>. When I save, they keep disappearing. This makes coding very annoying, and I wonder if I can add tables or more complicated code…
    2) I’ve got a movie page where I wanted to show my YouTube movies, but that doesn’t seem to work. See https://www.raymondhaaken.nl/movies/ What am I doing wrong? Another code issue?
    3) I’d like to have a “home” link on the right, above all the other links to my various pages.
    4) I want to make a top banner with clickable buttons (with a mouseover design). I know how to make such a banner, but how can I make it into a theme that has all that code and images in the top banner space? I’d like to make 4 different theme’s, so I can switch them each season.
    Example of a page I made with mouseover buttons: https://sjeng.onedot.nl/RIP/
    I was thinking of creating such buttons in a straight row, over a nice top banner image, and have them link to my pages…

    Thanks in advance!

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  • 1) Turn off the wysiwyg editor for code – use the basic editor.

    2) Same thing – use basic editor for youtube code or use a plugin:
    Viper’s plugin seems to be the one of choice.

    3) Put one in your sidebar?

    4) Many themes already do this or similar – it just takes the correct code in header.php of your theme and possible styling in style.css.
    Example code:

    <div id="menu">
    			<li><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/">Home</a></li>
    			<?php wp_list_pages('exclude=2,8,9,10,11,13,15&depth=1&sort_column=menu_order&title_li='); ?>

    This is a basic tabbed menu at the bottom of the header. It creates a “home” tab and automatically tabs pages you create. The “exclude” excludes pages you don’t want in your header menu.

    Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter Sjeng


    1 and 2 helped thanks,

    3) how do I do that? can’t seem to find the option to add or remove links in my sidebar (I’m a total WordPress noob)

    4) I’ve posted some more details on this in the following topic:

    Can you show me what I should code? Copy/paste is about all I can manage when it comes to .php coding I’m afraid…

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