just updated and scroll box has disappeared
I just updated my plugin installation to 2.0.3. The scroll box that we had defined for our site is now gone. There are no scroll boxes listed in the All Scrollboxes admin page. Any suggestions? It took me some time to create that scroll box which incorporated an Aweber form.
I just went through this myself. I came back to support for another question and saw yours. Not sure if you figured it out or not.
When I updated from 1.4 to 2.0.3 my scrollbox was gone. It didn’t save the changes. I normally test all my updates within a development area first to try and avoid catastrophes (my lesson from past experiences). I realized after the update that I’d need to recreate the scrollbox within the new area for scrollbox in the admin. Since I had my live site still working, I was able to copy and paste what my form had (the html from settings > scroll triggered box) and recreate it. I’m not exactly sure how the customized themes are suppose to work in the new version. I tried Googling how to do it but I didn’t find a lot of info on that. So, (not sure if this is the correct way), I FTP’d in and added my own theme in the directory of dreamgrow-scroll-triggered-box/themes. This may not be the correct way to do this because when I updated from 2.0.3 to 2.1.1 the plugin failed to complete the update and the only thing left in the directory (looking via FTP) was my theme file. It probably didn’t have permission to delete it. But, I’m not exactly sure how else to have a custom theme. There is a selection, “I’m using my own theme” but I cannot find documentation on what that exactly means and how you do that. I tried adding theme>mytheme to my main theme for my site (wp-content>themes>mytheme>themes>myscrollboxtheme) but it didn’t work.
When I tried to use my old css file for my custom theme I needed to go through it and change the id’s and classes because they had all changed. I’ve got it working now but have made myself a note before updating again to remove that custom theme and then put it back after the plugin updates.
If the author’s have a better way of doing that, I’m game and of course, want to be doing it the correct way to avoid update failures. But, that’s why I test on a development site first.
Not sure if this helps since you wrote the above question 3 weeks ago but in case anyone else was wondering, the above, is my story. ;0)
Upgrade from 1.4 to 2+ version had to upgrade automatically also Scrollbox. I’m really sorry if that was not happening. Myself I havent been able to recreate such situation and so I cannot comment what was the reason or in what conditions it happens.
By creating multiple-boxes version 2.0 we had to replace existing id-based CSS definitions with class-based definitions. Reason for that is that there’s impossible to use Id’s for styles when there can be more than one scrollbox per page, each having own theme. In addition to styles we had to keep in mind also javascript scripting needs. Unfortunately existing logic was too much focused to only one scrollbox per site. So there was some negative impact for sites where customized styles were used, but this we couldn’t avoid.
Such major change in CSS definitions will not happen in foreseeable future.
Adding or changing files or folders under plugin folder is wrong way to do anything for any plugin, because in this case either (1) upgrades will become impossible or (2) your changes will get lost after upgrade. It’s nothing specific to this plugin, but general rule when working with WP. There’s another way how such change could be done. If you don’t want to use completely your own theme definitions but just change some of existing plugin theme styles, then best way to achieve that is with overwriting it in some of your site theme css files with !important keyword. Example: for changing submit button border, text color and/or background color needs adding of following block into some of your theme css file:
input.stb-submit { color: #cf641e !important; border: 2px solid black !important; background-color: #f5faed !important; }
If you have several boxes, all using same theme, but you need to change button at just one of them, then you should take into use that box div container id.
Thanks so much for your reply. Yes, I know it’s not the general way one is suppose to add the theme files because of updates and such. But I couldn’t find any documentation in regards to creating my own theme and where to store those files. When the selection of “I’m using my own theme”, I’m not sure exactly what that means and where to put those customized files. Or, maybe you just select “I’m using my own theme” and only the css files are updated within the WordPress theme css? Is that what you are meaning?I really like this plugin and thank you for creating it!
It goes somehow like this:
1) If you are not already using your own custom theme what you can modify, generate new Child Theme. Check those tutorials about that:
(+ Google)2) Paste into your newly created theme style.css file those lines and properties from plugin theme css file what you want to change. Make your amendments and add !important keyword (see my previous example). If you use “I’m using my own theme” option, you must put there everything (not only changed properties) and without “important” keyword. Now you can change everything. You need some understanding about css and html to go in this way.
3) Now you have your own custom css file what is not affected by plugins or themes or wordpress updates, and where you can put all your modifications.
Thanks again Eero. I’ve updated everything within my custom theme and everything is working great. Thanks for the explanation on how to exactly implement this. Cheers!
Just to add, although this thread seems to have morphed into something different than the heading:
When I updated to 2.x my existing scroll box vanished.
Fortunately I had seen this happen in my test environment so I had the code saved.
A warning message could be good to have perhaps.
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