Change the look of qtranslate
Hello and a happy New Year everyone!
Id like to change the appearance of qtranslate: at the moment it shows the choosen Laguage and a flag, and the Languages that are available with Flag each. Since I have only two languages activatet I’d like to have only the second, at the monemt not choosen Language to be visible to ckick on. So if I have french and english, and if Iam on french site, I just want to see the English -text button to click on an then switch to english site and other way around. Is that somehow easily to realize? I am not an php specialist and it would be great if that would be just a matter of css – I cthought maybe positioning the two buttons in the same place, giving each a background-color and putting the not active ind the back via z-level? Could that work?
Thanks for any help, I am desperate right now!
I got rid of the flags, by commenting things out. Someone who is a php professional sure knows how to get rid of the Language that is at the moment in use and not active as a Button, and how the changing “language” buttons stay in the same place. I do not really have a clue. This is the frontend.php from qtranslate:
Sorry I cant show yot the site! ist on an local server.
add_filter( 'wp_get_nav_menu_items', 'qtranxf_get_nav_menu_items', 0, 3 ); function qtranxf_get_nav_menu_items( $items, $menu, $args ) { global $q_config; $language=$q_config['language']; //$flag_location=$q_config['WP_CONTENT_URL'].$q_config['flag_location']; $itemid=0; $menu_order=0; $qtransmenu=null; foreach($items as $item) { if($itemid<$item->ID) $itemid=$item->ID; /*-- if($menu_order<$item->menu_order) $menu_order=$item->menu_order;---*/ if( !isset( $item->url ) || strstr( $item->url, '#qtransLangSw' ) === FALSE ) continue; //$item->title=__('Language','qtranslate').':'.' <img src="'.$flag_location.$q_config['flag'][$language].'">'; $item->url=null; //$item->classes[] = 'qtranxs-flag-'.$language; //$item->classes[] = 'qtranxs-lang-menu'; $qtransmenu = $item; } if(!$qtransmenu) return $items; foreach($q_config['enabled_languages'] as $lang) { $item=new WP_Post((object)array('ID' => ++$itemid)); $item->db_id=$item->ID; $item->menu_item_parent=$qtransmenu->ID; $item->menu_order=++$menu_order; $item->post_type='nav_menu_item'; $item->object='custom'; $item->object_id=0; $item->type='custom'; $item->type_label='Custom'; //$item->title='<img src="'.$flag_location.$q_config['flag'][$lang].'"> '.$q_config['language_name'][$lang]; $item->title=' '.$q_config['language_name'][$lang]; //$item->post_title=$item->title; $item->post_name='language-menuitem-'.$lang; if($lang!=$language) $item->url=qtranxf_convertURL($url, $lang, false,true); $item->classes=array(); //$item->classes[] = 'qtranxs-flag-'.$lang; //$item->classes[] = 'qtranxs-lang-menu-item'; $items[]=$item; ++$menu->count; } return $items; } function qtranxf_add_lang_icons () { global $q_config; echo "<style>\n"; foreach($q_config['enabled_languages'] as $lang) { echo '.qtranxs-flag-'.$lang.' {background-image: url('.trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_URL).$q_config['flag_location'].$q_config['flag'][$lang]."); background-repeat: no-repeat;} \n"; } echo "</style>\n"; } add_filter('wp_head', 'qtranxf_add_lang_icons'); function qtranxf_postsFilter($posts) { if(is_array($posts)) { foreach($posts as $post) { $post->post_content = qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundShowAvailable($post->post_content); $post = qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($post); } } return $posts; } add_filter('the_posts', 'qtranxf_postsFilter'); function qtranxf_get_attachment_image_attributes($attr, $attachment, $size) { foreach( $attr as $name => $value ){ if($name!=='alt') continue; $attr[$name]=qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($value); } return $attr; } add_filter('wp_get_attachment_image_attributes', 'qtranxf_get_attachment_image_attributes',0,3); function qtranxf_excludeUntranslatedPosts($where) { global $q_config, $wpdb; if($q_config['hide_untranslated'] && !is_singular()) { $where .= " AND $wpdb->posts.post_content LIKE '%<!--:".qtranxf_getLanguage()."-->%'"; } return $where; } // don't filter untranslated posts in admin add_filter('posts_where_request', 'qtranxf_excludeUntranslatedPosts'); $qtranxv_home=get_home_url().'/'; function qtranxf_home_url($href) { global $qtranxv_home; if ($href===$qtranxv_home) { return qtranxf_convertURL($qtranxv_home); } else { return $href; } } add_filter('home_url', 'qtranxf_home_url'); function qtranxf_esc_html($text) { //echo "\nqtranxf_esc_html:text=$text\n"; return qtranxf_useDefaultLanguage($text); } // filter options add_filter('esc_html', 'qtranxf_esc_html', 0); /* function qtranxf_translate($text){ $lang=qtranxf_getLanguage(); echo "\nqtranxf_translate:lang=".$lang."\n"; echo "text=$text\n"; $split_regex = "#(<!--:[^-]+-->|\[:[a-z]{2}\])#ism"; $skip=true; $quicktags=false; $blocks = preg_split($split_regex, $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY|PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); foreach($blocks as $block) { echo "block=$block\n"; if(preg_match("#^<!--:([a-z]{2})-->$#ism", $block, $matches)) { $skip=($lang != $matches[1]); continue; } elseif($quicktags && preg_match("#^\[:([a-z]{2})\]$#ism", $block, $matches)) { $skip=($lang != $matches[1]); continue; } elseif(preg_match("#^<!--:-->$#ism", $block, $matches)) { $skip=false; continue; // detect defective more tag //} elseif(preg_match("#^<!--more-->$#ism", $block, $matches)) { // foreach($q_config['enabled_languages'] as $language) { // $result[$language] .= $block; // } // continue; } if($skip) continue; $result .= $block; } return $result; //return qtranxf_useDefaultLanguage($text); } //add_filter('wpseo_title', 'qtranxf_translate', 0); */ // Compability with Default Widgets qtranxf_optionFilter(); add_filter('widget_title', 'qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage',0); add_filter('widget_text', 'qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage',0); add_filter('wp_head', 'qtranxf_add_css'); add_filter('wp_setup_nav_menu_item', 'qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage'); add_filter('get_comment_author', 'qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage',0); add_filter('the_author', 'qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage',0); add_filter('tml_title', 'qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage',0); // translate terms add_filter('cat_row', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0); add_filter('cat_rows', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0); add_filter('wp_get_object_terms', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0); add_filter('single_tag_title', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0); add_filter('single_cat_title', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0); add_filter('the_category', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0); add_filter('get_term', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0); add_filter('get_terms', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0); add_filter('get_category', 'qtranxf_useTermLib',0); ?>
Help, please!
Everything seemed to work, but now only titels switch but not the content. Could the source for that problem be my changes in the frontend php – I dont belive so, but Iam not the specialist.
I had also some troube with the pagebulder and qtranslate activated at the same time, so I deactivatet the pagebuilder – can that cause problems?Help would be very apreciated! Jessy!
Hi @jessy-me, do you wish it in menu, or in widget? In widget, I can add option “Skip active language”, and widget would show just one item in your case.
In menu, this would not make too much sense for me. What is wrong with how it is now? It is a matter of taste and I believe most users would not really care much as long as they have a way to switch, would they?
Hello John!
Thanks so much for your reply!
“In menu, this would not make too much sense for me. What is wrong with how it is now? It is a matter of taste and I believe most users would not really care much as long as they have a way to switch, would they? “
Iam happy if it works, but sometimes peolpe have a special taste an special wishes.
right now I convinced everybody that this is not the main problem:because q-translate just does not work properly. I am in hell right now I am switching between crying and working, and trying to find out what I can do. Our Project is supposed to go online in a few days, people relying on me and I am beyond deadline already and the switch between languages does not work. I use pagebuilder too with the visual Editor and it does not work. What can I do?
is there a chance to get help or support quickly? I am very desperate right know.Any help an any hint will be very appreciated! Thanks, Katinka alias Jessy-me
Hi Katinka,
as long as you’re using the buttons version of the language switcher widget and not the dropdown list, this request is extremely simple to implement with CSS only. Just add the following lines to your template’s style.css:
.qtranxf_language_chooser .active { display: none; }
This hides the language that is currently active, just as requested.
Best regards and good luck with your project.Bastian
Hi Katinka, please, try version 2.9.2 and set URL field of Language Menu item in configuration panel to
Please, let me know if this is what you wanted.
Thanks a lot,
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