Hello ewcapers
I do have exactly the same problem you have but I do not great at PHP or HTML. If you happen to find a solution for this I will really appreciate your imput. Thanks in advance.
Thanks Xnau for a trully great plugin!!! I am awre this required a lot of work to create! I really wanted to use this but unfortunately, because of the problem mentioned above, I will have to take a rain-check…it is practically impossible to see 15 fields displayed into columns especially with the field “bio”being displayed in a very narrow column…The list of multiple serviced zip codes take more space in vertical column that it would in an horizontal layout, not counting being not easy to read (as for the bio).
A search form for a specific serviced zipcode and specialty searching among my 20 dog-sitters (members)who are servicing at their client’s home (20 zip- codes each). The results should be showing related members with 15 fields each displayed in an horizontal layout preferably in alphabetical order as in my full list (created manually here:)
to reduce the listing and as a temporary measure, I divided the list in 5 areas searchable through an interactive map but a search form for a specific zip-code and specialty is what I am trying to accomplish.