• Resolved xprt007



    I am using your very fine theme for some sites, but on a particular one I have had to first put off using the feature => Home Settings
    Homepage Featured … because for a particular post type from the plugin recipepress reloaded the teasers do not appear. You just have the heading of the category.

    The recipe plugin author mentioned it might have something to do with the way the theme deals with the categories content & promised to look into sometime. That was a while back he said that & has very little time.

    Is there anything he needs to know, that the plugin requires to post the excerpts/teasers on the front page, like is the case with the rest of the WordPress post categories’ content??

    The recipe plugin categories are otherwise listed elsewhere as normal categories under the main “recipes” category. Recipes appear as normal posts. It is just that for the home settings feature all recipes-related categories/subcategories … all are blank except for the category titles.

    With your help, it might encourage him to help deal with the issue much faster, if he knows what to include in the plugin. ??

    Thank you in advance!

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  • Thread Starter xprt007



    I just discovered the plugin author has in the meantime written this:

    The problem you describe is actually a problem of mesoclumn.
    To display the featured category blocks on the homepage they create custom queries. These queries only look for standard posts. These queries are defined in lib/templates/home-feat-cat.php

    If you replace the default my_query1 by eg

    $my_query1 = new WP_Query(array(
    		'cat'=> $featcat1,
    		'showposts' => $featcat1_count,
    		'post_type' => array(

    both recipes and posts will be queried and displayed. Please ask the developer of mesocolumn to make the use of custom post types in thes queries possible. The easiest way might be to add an options field for this.

    Not quite sure what to make of this. ,) … I just want the recipe content to appear on the front page using this otherwise great home settings feature.


    Theme Author Richie KS


    the homepage featured did not support custom post type, only normal wp category. CPT need custom query which need end user edit. my suggestion would be try open lib/templates/home-feat-cat.php edit line 54

    if($featcat1 && $featcat1 != 'Choose a category'):
    $my_query1 = new WP_Query('cat='. $featcat1 . '&' . 'offset=' . '&' . 'showposts=' . $featcat1_count); ?>

    to the code you write above..

    if($featcat1 && $featcat1 != 'Choose a category'):
    $my_query1 = new WP_Query(array(
    		'cat'=> $featcat1,
    		'showposts' => $featcat1_count,
    		'post_type' => array(
    Thread Starter xprt007



    Thank you for the response.

    I added the following code as suggested, so that these are the lines 53 – 67

    //featcat1  .......     Added code suggested at https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/some-post-type-not-appearing-on-front-page?replies=3
    if($featcat1 && $featcat1 != 'Choose a category'):
    $my_query1 = new WP_Query(array(
    		'cat'=> $featcat1,
    		'showposts' => $featcat1_count,
    		'post_type' => array(
    <aside class="home-feat-cat post_tn_cat_color_<?php echo dez_get_strip_variable($featcat1); ?>">
    <h4 class="homefeattitle feat_tn_cat_color_<?php echo dez_get_strip_variable($featcat1); ?>"><a href="<?php echo get_category_link( $featcat1 ); ?>"><?php printf( __( '%1$s', TEMPLATE_DOMAIN ), stripcslashes($featcat1_name) ); ?></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a title="Get Feed for <?php echo $featcat1_name; ?>" href="<?php echo rtrim( get_category_link( $featcat1 ), '/'); ?>/feed/"><img class="home-feat-rss" src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/rss2.png" alt="<?php _e('Get Feed for', TEMPLATE_DOMAIN); ?> <?php echo $featcat1_name; ?>" /></a></h4>
    <div class="homefeat">

    For some reason, though the recipe category boxes in contrast to the other categories still remain empty.

    Not sure what I am not doing right.

    Also if I may ask, in case I have a child theme & created the folders lib/templates & added the file home-feat-cat.php into it (/themes/mesocolumn-child/lib/templates), is that acceptable? I first tried this & then went back to /mesocolumn/lib/templates/home-feat-cat.php.

    In any case it is still blank.

    What can I do differently?

    Thank you in advance

    Theme Author Richie KS


    i dont think cat work in custom post type query, correct code should be

    if($featcat1 && $featcat1 != 'Choose a category'):
    $my_query1 = new WP_Query(array(
    		'showposts' => $featcat1_count,
    		'post_type' => 'rpr_recipe',

    make sure you randomly choose featured cat and count in theme option so it show the query.

    Thread Starter xprt007


    Hi Richie KS

    Thank you for the response, which I have apparently just seen now.

    Sorry, I am a bit mixed up. Exactly where should I place the above code (line?) (in mesocolumn/lib/templates/home-feat-cat.php)? ??


    Theme Author Richie KS


    lib/templates/home-feat-cat.php edit line 54

    Thread Starter xprt007


    This apparently enables the appearance of the expected recipe category content in category 1, which is OK.
    Just in case I need, but fail to display it in another position or get a subcategory (or more) of recipes instead, I might request for some little help.

    For now, though very grateful for your support.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter xprt007



    Regarding the latest theme update, how that affect the custom changes above => “lib/templates/home-feat-cat.php edit line 54”?

    Is there anything & if so exactly what that can be added to the child theme folder before making the update?

    Thank you in advance

    Theme Author Richie KS


    new version had filter on the featured category query. just choose any category and saved the theme option and add this to your custom functions.php or wp-content/meso-custom-functions.php

    let’s say you want a custom post type for first feat block.

    function meso_custom_featname() {
     $query = 'My Recipe';
     return $query;
    function meso_custom_featlink() {
     $query = 'https://yoursite.com/recipe/';
     return $query;
    function meso_custom_featquery() {
     $query = 'post_type=rpr_recipe&showposts=5';
     return $query;

    Hello! I am having very same issue. I tried the above to no avail. Did xprt007 ever get control over custom posts? Please forgive my not following, I need to make changes to lib/templates/home-feat-cat.php edit line 54 yes? Or I can skip that and now just alter functions.php maybe?

    The above mod to functions.php seems to bring up ‘My Recipe’ but no posts. Nor do I see any change in the dashboard theme options drop down.

    Any thoughts would be great thanks!

    Theme Author Richie KS


    please open a new thread, do not bump other user old thread.

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