• I am not completely sure if this is the right place to ask this question. But if anyone have an answer please reply.

    Is there any plugin for woocommerce that will allow the user and admin to have a discussion on order.

    So that admin can ask the user anything about the order and maybe the user will reply to that message.

    Not live chat. It needs to be a messaging system on order page along with email notification.


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  • Plugin Contributor royho


    I have not seen one however can’t you just use email for this?

    Thread Starter projoomexperts


    Hello Roy, Thanks for your kind reply. But My client wants something like its in aliexpress.com Screenshot https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B1nDlQWZ5A3OVEhhbThMNTNrX1U/edit?usp=drivesdk

    Plugin Contributor royho


    I would think email works similar but if you absolutely need that, I can’t think of any existing plugins that does it so you would probably have to custom build it.

    Does any one have shopping cart time out issues? I’m VERY VERY new to making my own site and after loading a few different products I wanted to test out the shopping cart after I installed my SSL. I keep getting a timeout error and can’t seem to place any orders.

    Plugin Contributor royho


    @racetech – so this is somebody else’s thread. Not polite to invade especially when it is not related. But regardless if it is related or not, it is best to create your own topic instead.

    @roy sorry but it seems to be related to me. persons having issues on ordering as well. none the less i am sorry. Have a good day.

    Thread Starter projoomexperts


    Thanks @roy for helping and @racetech for your understanding. I am thinking to developing the plugin myself. I have previously developed such plugin for Joomla. But I am new to WordPress. Surely I will let you guys know if I receive success.

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