Error Reporting Suggestion
we see a lot php errors in our error.log like “Plugin settings are not yet saved for the site, please save settings!” although the settings are saved. i think these errors are generated by “frontend visitors” (scanning for installed plugins etc.)
so why not simple check for is_admin() in
wp-ffpc-class.php ~ line 224if ( is_admin() ) { $settings_link = ' ? <a href="' . $this->settings_link . '">' . __( 'WP-FFPC Settings', $this->plugin_constant ) . '</a>'; /* check for errors */ if ( ! WP_CACHE ) $this->errors['no_wp_cache'] = __("WP_CACHE is disabled, plugin will not work that way. Please add <code>define ( 'WP_CACHE', true );</code> to wp-config.php", $this->plugin_constant ) . $settings_link; if ( ! $this->global_saved ) $this->errors['no_global_saved'] = __("Plugin settings are not yet saved for the site, please save settings!", $this->plugin_constant) . $settings_link; if ( ! file_exists ( $this->acache ) ) $this->errors['no_acache_saved'] = __("Advanced cache file is yet to be generated, please save settings!", $this->plugin_constant). $settings_link; if ( file_exists ( $this->acache ) && ! is_writable ( $this->acache ) ) $this->errors['no_acache_write'] = __("Advanced cache file is not writeable!<br />Please change the permissions on the file: ", $this->plugin_constant) . $this->acache; foreach ( $this->valid_cache_type as $backend => $status ) { if ( $this->options['cache_type'] == $backend && ! $status ) { $this->errors['no_backend'] = sprintf ( __('%s cache backend activated but no PHP %s extension was found.<br />Please either use different backend or activate the module!', $this->plugin_constant), $backend, $backend ); } } /* get the current runtime configuration for memcache in PHP because Memcache in binary mode is really problematic */ if ( extension_loaded ( 'memcache' ) ) { $memcache_settings = ini_get_all( 'memcache' ); if ( !empty ( $memcache_settings ) && $this->options['cache_type'] == 'memcache' ) { $memcache_protocol = strtolower($memcache_settings['memcache.protocol']['local_value']); if ( $memcache_protocol == 'binary' ) { $this->errors['memcached_binary'] = __('WARNING: Memcache extension is configured to use binary mode. This is very buggy and the plugin will most probably not work correctly. <br />Please consider to change either to ASCII mode or to Memcached extension.', $this->plugin_constant ); } } } foreach ( $this->errors as $e => $msg ) { $this->utils->alert ( $msg, LOG_WARNING, $this->network ); } }
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