• Resolved Alienne


    I have tried using version 6.3 and things have improved from 6.0, however the recaptcha doesn’t appear at all on IE8 (yes I know Windows XP is no longer supported but some people still use it) and only appears after pressing the refresh button on IE11. The same page showed the recaptcha properly using firefox and chrome.

    Also (less important) the recaptcha wrapper is 5px too small so you see a slider.


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  • Blake


    I don’t have a problem getting it to display, but I do agree that the recaptcha container IS smaller so I get a scrolling bar.

    I have strange display issues with the radio buttons anyway.

    https://tsg.blakehammerton.com (not launched yet, so bear with me)

    Hopefully we can get some answers.

    Plugin Author Taylor Lovett


    The plugin does no CSS styling to the recaptcha. If you have a problem, you need to look at your themes stylesheet.



    I’ve dug through everything that makes sense, but I don’t see where it could be constricting the space.

    The container is 750px x 1372px, and the form is 710px x 1200something, so it shouldn’t have a problem. Do you have any ideas as to why the radio button would be out of place, and the recatpcha section is in it’s own scroll-box?



    Okay, I fixed the CSS of the theme to knock out the container issue, now the recaptcha appears behind the submit button… or rather, the submit button is on top of the recaptcha.

    Any ideas of where to adjust that?

    Plugin Author Taylor Lovett


    Can you send us a link?



    It’s the same link in my previous comments.





    Well, I transferred the site to its own domain now. The form works, but the submit button hovering over the captcha is annoying, so it’s still something I want to rectify.

    Any ideas?




    The container for “ccf-recaptcha-wrapper” is too small.

    I need to adjust the height to move the submit button down.

    Can you help me?

    https://prntscr.com/604mue <– screenshot

    On the wrapper for the reCaptcha box class ccf-recaptcha-wrapper you need to clear all floats. That should do the trick!



    Okay, thank you. How do I do that?

    In my Stylesheet, I would add,

    .ccf-recaptcha-wrapper {
    float: none;

    Is that right? Wrong?

    I’m not good at CSS. Thank you for your help.

    ccf-recaptcha-wrapper {


    No dice. I put it into my stylesheet directly (not in the custom CSS box just to make sure it worked) and nothing changed.

    I even added:

    ccf-recaptcha-wrapper {
      clear: both !important;

    I’m still at a loss.


    I only tested this in Firefox with an inline style via Firebug.

    Try this in your stylesheet:

    ccf-recaptcha-wrapper::after {
        clear: both;
        content: ".";
        display: block;
        height: 0;
        visibility: hidden;

    That is a more conventional way of clearing floats.

    Well, having fixed the ‘less important’ part of the original post, can someone please help with the issue of the recaptcha NOT showing up in IE. We found that there is an additional option that would fix this and that can be added to the raw code if you’re just using html, but we’re not sure where this would get placed in all of the files of this plug-in. See the ‘fallback’ option from this link:


    We really like this plug-in and want to continue to use it, but without the captcha working in IE (browser used by most businesses) we’ll have to move on to another plug-in and rate this one as missing a major feature for most form plug-ins.

    @zerosquared: The code is in the file class-ccf-form-renderer.php

    wp_enqueue_script( 'ccf-google-recaptcha', '//www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=ccfRecaptchaOnload&render=explicit' );

    If you dequeue the script in your theme, you can over-ride this with anything you wish.

    I guess, if you want to test this out, the following might work. I have not tested this, but should get you on the right track.

         wp_dequeue_script( 'ccf-google-recaptcha' );
         wp_enqueue_script( 'ccf-google-recaptcha', '//www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?fallback=true&onload=ccfRecaptchaOnload&render=explicit' );

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