• Resolved abletec


    Hi, Simon. Nice plugin. Nicer still if I could get it to do what I want it to lol.

    The stream in question is indeed an mp3 stream, but url consists of https://ip:port/streamname

    Tune-in links consist of https://servername:port/tunein/filename.pls

    I know the JPlayer itself can in fact play Icecast streams, though quite frankly I’m still trying to figure out how that’s done. Since your plugin is based on JPlayer, I guess I was just wondering if it had that capability, or if it could somehow be incorporated. I’ll continue looking at code, but I guess I’m lazy & was hoping for a shortcut. Bad me.

    Have a great rest of your day.


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  • Plugin Author simon.ward


    Hi Jackie, could you post or mail me an example or two or you urls and i’ll take a look for you.

    They should work ok. I’ve had some success with mp3 streams, but general support for streams is a little more limited across the different browsers.

    Thread Starter abletec


    Thanks, Simon. The link is:

    Tunein links look like:

    Any/all help appreciated.

    Plugin Author simon.ward


    Hi Jackie, the first one is a stream, and work ok for me, here’s a couple of shortcodes you can copy and paste:

    [playlist tracks="My Stream@"]

    [audio tracks="My Stream@"]

    these make a playlister and a single file player respectively.

    The second link you posted is actually a playlist file, so it points to streams but is not a stream itself. The plugin doesn’t currently support reading these files, but you can simply grab the link(s) that are contained within it and playlist them. In this case it happens to be the same stream as the first one and plays fine as long as you tidy up the end of the url (it has some get params that you can either rebuild or remove).

    Let me know how you get on.

    Thread Starter abletec


    Simon, that actually worked–thanks! So–a couple more queries:
    1) Does mp3-jplayer have a flash fallback in browsers that don’t support html5 like JPlayer does?

    My other questions involve suggestions for possible improvements:
    1) Would you like some help documenting the plugin shortcodes? I read thru the docs & didn’t find those you mentioned. Could be just my own stupidity, but I really did look. Might save you some support requests.
    2) Looks to me as though the player could use some accessibility tweeking regarding its buttons, etc. I just happen to be a blind screenreader user–want some help w/that also?

    My profile is abletec on the www.ads-software.com site–feel free to view it & message me as appropriate.

    Plugin Author simon.ward


    Hi Jackie, good to hear you got it working. Yes the plugin has a flash fall back.

    Re docs – Have you check out the support site yet? mp3-jplayer.com. This is brand new today! I’d appreciate your feedback (if that wasn’t it already!)

    Re accessibility – yes for sure, the buttons are intended to be screenreader friendly but actually I realise not all of them are in all circumstances, plus there’s no doubt stuff that I’m not appreciating. Please contact me here and let me know your thoughts, I’d really appreciate it.


    Hi Simon, Great plugin, looks fab. My question is, can I play my shoutcast stream on it? My url is

    It really would be my choice of player if i can.



    Plugin Author simon.ward


    Hi Marty, yes you just need to append ;stream/1 to the url to get shoutcast streams working. Here’s a complete shortcode that you can copy and paste:

    [playlist tracks="My Stream@;stream/1"]


    Thank you Simon, but where do I do that, please excuse my noobishness ??

    Plugin Author simon.ward


    Hi Marty, go to your page edit screen and just copy that shortcode into your page. Hit save and view the page, there should be a player there.

    Let me know if all ok.

    Thread Starter abletec


    Hay, Simon, does the volslider parameter work w/a playlist player? It doesn’t seem to.

    I don’t think I’m understanding you Simon sorry. What page do I put it to? I have the widget on the right see here https://www.martydeedonovan.co.uk/site/wordpress/?page_id=46

    But it doesn’t play the stream?

    Ignore me…I have it lol Thank you so much !!!!

    Plugin Author simon.ward


    The URL is incorrect, so it doesn’t play.
    You are missing a semicolon ;
    Please check against the url I pasted above, it must be exact!

    Plugin Author simon.ward


    Hi Jackie sorry, I missed your post.

    No the volslider param does nothing in the playlister shortcode, but the volumes could be removed via a quick css modification, or by creating a css class that you could then use from the admin-side.

    There are some examples of custom classes that hide various buttons at the bottom of the css files called light.css, dark.css, and text.css that are in the plugin folder. Let me know if you need some help.

    Thank you very much! I was able to make the player work on my widget playing my Shoutcast radio station. It has a popup option (which I wanted) or play.

    Great plugin!

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