• Sometime between Jan 21 and 25, posts and site revisions done between Jan 13 and Jan 23rd disappeared. The things that disappeared were done on Jan 15 and Jan 20 by my blogpartner and I, working from two completely isolated locations. The specifics are listed below. Everything from Jan 13 and before is there; her post done on Jan 23 at 2:24pm is there. The missing items were noticed on Jan 25th. Neither of us can see the missing items on any computer or mobile device either on the site or the dashboard.

    We grabbed the original links off our blog’s facebook. They are:
    https://www.2createincolor.com/2015/01/20/get-linked-fresh-pillows/ (no images)
    and https://www.2createincolor.com/2015/01/15/about-us/ (included several images, all missing from the Media Library)

    Revisions done on January 15 are gone from https://www.2createincolor.com/sam/

    The bio photos of us and links to our three bio/about pages that were added to the top of the sidebar are gone.

    A reply made at some point during this time frame by my blogpartner to a comment (still there) is gone.

    Basically, the blog looks just as it did after our post on Jan 13, with the addition of the Jan 23 post.

    Site statistics show that the last views of each missing post were on Jan 21; https://www.2createincolor.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=stats&view=post&post=6794

    I have deactivated and reactivated our plug-ins as suggested; no changes. We went ahead and did the upgrade to WP v4.1 from v4.0.1 today. Hope that wasn’t a mistake.

    Neither of us have a complete understanding of what we are doing so please speak beginner ?? On our hosting site (bluehost,) she can see that the missing pictures are still there. Yes, we have backups; neither of which will recover these items as it happened between them.

    Thank you,

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