Thanks for the advice. I ended up figuring out what the problem was after you pointed out the 404 response. I’m including what I did to solve the problem in case anyone else has a similar issue.
Initially I did try turning WP Super Cache off/clearing the cache as you suggested, but it still had the same result.
When you mentioned the 404 response, I remembered that I also had the Sucuri Security plugin installed, and had the setting checked to “Restrict wp-content access”. On the plugin’s hardening settings page, it indicates:
This option blocks direct PHP access to any file inside wp-content. If you experience any issue after this with a theme or plugin in your site, like for example images not displaying, remove the .htaccess file located in the content directory.
Note: Many (insecure) themes and plugins use a PHP file in this directory to generate images like thumbnails and captcha codes, this is intentional so it is recommended to check your site once this option is enabled.
Turning this setting off/removing the .htaccess file from wp-content allowed the map to function properly. I was able to turn WP Super Cache back on and the map still functioned correctly.
Thanks for your help!