Hi Ross
Thanks for your response!
I have been trying to set up a download gallery and can only seem to set up system that displays images with checkboxes in a vertical row rather than the default matrix used by NextGenGallery.
I have followed the video below created for the Lensa theme by Colourlab and they seem to end up with same results (i.e. checkboxes but with a broken format)
My process has been
> Import photos and set up gallery using NextGenGallery system in Dashboard
> Create new page or post (does it matter which?).
> Click green ‘attach nextgen gallery to post button
> In ‘Select a display type’
> Select NextGEN Basic Thumbnails
> In ‘What would you like to display?’
> Sources > Galleries
> Galleries > ‘My gallery’
> Customize the display settings
> Override thumbnail settings > No
> Images per page > 50
> Number of columns to display > 0
> Enable AJAX pagination > No
> Add Hidden Images > No
> Use imagebrowser effect > No
> Show piclens link > No
> Show slideshow link > No
> Slideshow link text > Yes
> Template > No Template (SHOULD I CHOOSE A TEMPLATE HERE?? Options are)
The gallery works fine from here, but when I add the following ‘download’ code to the body of the page or post, either nothing happens (with the alert: ‘no images were found’, or it breaks the layout. [nggallery id=1 template=download]
I would really appreciate someone looking into this for me and let me know what I’m doing wrong (or suggest another system I could use which allows image downloads by visitors).
Many thanks
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