• I have a custom menu item created by dsIDXpress plugin that will not delete after I have saved the menu I have “deleted” it from. I click remove, it goes away, then I hit save and it comes back. I have tried deactivating all plugins and that did not work. I do not want to switch themes because I am working with a live site. I haven’t changed the theme since its been up for almost 3 years. I keep everything updated so I do not know what the issue is. Is there a way to remove this item by editing a php file on the backend? The menu-item number is 698 I believe. Here is a link to my site: https://www.hiltonopeningdoors.com

    The menu item I want gone is the one that says My Listings under Listings.

    I was able to change the page it was pointing to which helped but I need it gone.



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  • LindzConnell


    Hi Bethany,

    I just checked and it looks like that menu item has been removed as you can see in this screen shot: https://prntscr.com/63k5ch

    It may have just been caching when you first wrote this post. But I am glad to see, either way, that you were able to get it removed.

    Let us know if you have any additional questions!

    Lindz Connell
    Diverse Solutions Team

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