Thumbails in FullFolio
great theme, thank you!!
I just have a question, is there any posibility to delete the thumbails at the bottom of every Posts?
and sorry, another question. How can I add the icons for Facebook, Twiter and so on ? so my visitors can share the posts?
ThanksHi Dani,
for the first question, in fullfolio/single.php, at the bottom of this file, just delete or comment all code inside <!– post-images –> <!– /post-images –>
for the second question, you should use a plugin, for example this one:
Great, thanks a lot!!
Hi Dinamiko,
I am here again ?? sorry but I am quite new.
– I tried to find a size to show the galleries in every Post between Large and Full Size. Full ist too big, and Large too small. I went to Settings-Media in tried to change the sixe of the Large size (it says 1024×1024) but I thinks it is smaller. Anyway, I increased it, but the images show still too small something around 600×400 . It is possible to show them bigger?– Can I reduce the spaces between the images when I create a gallery?
– And my last there anyway to change the size/type of the fonts?
Thank you very much in Advance, you don′t know how I apreciate it!!
Hi Dani,
FullFolio doesn’t implement a gallery, to show images in a post, upload images via Add media but not insert in the post., just save the post.
doing this, all images will appear below the content in a masony style layout.
All code inside <!– post-images –> <!– /post-images –> is responsible of doing that.FullFolio doesn’t have settings for font size, margins… to do this kind of customizations you need to tweak the css.
Hi Dinamiko, thanks for your answer.
I could change the size of the images in functions:if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) {
$content_width = 900;What I am trying to do now, in to delete the border of the images in the gallery. Could you please tell me, in which folder from the theme can I find that? I have been searching but I can′t find it.
I would like also to control ( to reduce ) the space betweeen the images when I show a gallery: still don′t understand why the vertical images, although I upload them with 900px, the width a bit smaller.
Thanks a lot again for your help and your time
Hi Dani, I don’t know how are you implement the images in your example link, but right now your images aren’t responsive, if you resize the browser window less than 900 width and below, your images don’t scale and a horizontal scroll is showed. this isn’t how responsive images work.
are you using a plugin for doing this? you don’t need a plugin to do what you need.
if you insert your images in the content of the post, and set One Column in FullFolio options you will get responsive images, as FullFolio works out of the box.
I created an example here: each image in ATTACHMENT DISPLAY SETTINGS set Link to: NONE, and Size: Full size.
Hi Dinamiko,
sorry but I was a few days online.
– No, I don′t use any plugin. I tell you what I did, I change the size of the content_width in functions.php (line 471) from 640 to 900, in order to get bigger images, but not full size, in the gallery of every post.
if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) {
$content_width = 900;
}I know images are not responsive now, but I would like to show my images in a size between the 640 and the full size, maybe it is possible to change it in some other way.
– I only have 6 Posts till now. I realized that when I see the main page of my blog in a bigger screen, you see 4 Posts in the first line, ant two in the second line, if there any way, that they always show 3 in every line in the main page?
– It takes also a lot to load, the first image when you open a Post, and it comes always in full screen, it is possible to make it smaller, same size like the rest?
– I have all the layouts of my pages in two columns,if there any posibility to change it, for example in üBER MICH ( about ), so that everything is more centrered? When I change it to one Column, the image appear in full size, and I can′t change that.
– And my last question, how can I change the fonts on the pages, not in the main menu, but when you go inside the pages, for example üBER MICH, the fonts from the first Column.
Thanks a lot Dinamiko for your help and from your great Theme. Altought I need to change a copuple of things, It is a great theme.
Best Regars
sorry, forgot to post my blog:
https://danirodriguez-blog.comHi Dani, first of all you have to understand that support here is for problems with FullFolio and not for customizations. All of your requests are customizations. Of course you can customize FullFolio, but I’m here to help users with problems with FullFolio but not to work for them in their customizations of the theme.
When you download FullFolio you can do what you see in the demo: other things you are trying to do are customizations, you can do it yourself or hire someone to do it ??
Hi Dinamiko,
you are completly right, and of course I understand your answer.
I saw in some other Posts that you helped or give some advices to the users, that′s why I thought that maybe you could help me.
But maybe you could tell me if the things that I am trying to change are possible to do it, or in which folder I can do it.
I would really appreciate that.
If I had the money, believe me, I would hire someone and I wouldn′t have so many headaches ??Best Regards,
DaniHi Dani, I really appreciate that you understand my response ??
FullFolio was my first theme here, I learned a lot doing this theme, but actually there are a lot of more powerful and customizable themes out there, themes that allows you customize things without touching any line of code via default WordPress theme Customizer, for example:
If you are interested in how themes work and you like to learn to code them, I encourage you to try to learn by yourself, look at theme code and try to understand it, this is how I learned to code themes.
This is my advice, If you like to learn, create a child theme and try things, there isn’t a quick way to learn how to do things, just hard work and interest in learn ??
First of all, I Love this theme. Great work.
I have the Same issue with the thumbnails in a Page.
I have WordPress 4.3.1 and your theme activated. There is only a insert Option, no add as you mentioned.Some of my older Blog entries do have the preview, but with New one I can’t add the pictures as in the Demo Post-with-Images
Mans Thanks for your help!
Hi _eltobi,
I don’t understand your problem,
can you elaborate this a little more? thing that I recommend you, is not uploading big images, 1800 pixel wide is enought. right now your site is getting slow because of page load.
one quick thing that you can do is changing the code for loading the large image instead of the full image:
in single.php in line 81, change this:
$img = wp_get_attachment_image($image->ID, 'full'); ?>
for this:
$img = wp_get_attachment_image($image->ID, 'large'); ?>
Also, please send me a more elaborate question about your problem with ‘as in the Demo Post-with-Images’.
Hi dinamiko,
many thanks for the recommendation about the page loading speed.
this little change in the single.php helped a lot!!! GREAT
I will have a look on my new pictures to upload them in a lower resolution now.maybe I try to explain my issue with these two pages:
correct images shown as thumbnails in the bottom area: added directly after the text:
post 1 is an old blog entry. here I deleted the pictures directly from underneath the text and after this they were shown as thumbnails.
post 2 is new. I’ve tried the same but I can only add the pictures after the text and not as you mentioned “FullFolio doesn’t implement a gallery, to show images in a post, upload images via Add media but not insert in the post., just save the post.”
I hope this was a better description as in my first try ??
Best Regards
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