Ah but I’m having issues… The Search Results plugin work very well except when displaying more than 5 results. When I search for the word “the” I get this…
“Showing results 1 – 5 of 5 for the search terms: the.”
and then
“Showing results 6 – 5 of 5 for the search terms: the.”
for the next page and so on. I took a look at the plugin code but PHP confounds me. Is there something wrong with the plugin or is it just me?
Oh and I’m getting this whenever I edit my search.php page or activate/deactivate plugins I get this error…
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/a/l/r/alronhauser/html/wp-content/plugins/resultscount.php:67) in /home/content/a/l/r/alronhauser/html/wp-admin/theme-editor.php on line 55
I’m so sad cause I thought this was such a great plugin.