There are some more functions, but not realy used in the plugin yet:
em_get_active_occurrence($post_id = 0) – this would give you a currently running event (by $post_id) occurence – like in the radio “On air”
em_get_next_occurrence($post_id = 0) – and this can be used to have the next occurence of a certain event.
If that will not be enough in this case you may try something more general:
em_get_occurrences($post_id = 0, $period = ‘all’, $orderby = ‘asc’, $limit = 0)
to get event occurences in a more flexible way. Important parameter here might be the “period”. If you change that from “all” to “future” you’d ge all future ocurrences of an event.
To get some more details about avaiable parameters please check the core-functions.php in events-maker -> includes folder.
Hope this helps.
Bartosz / dfactory