• Resolved lincal


    I installed this plugin recently on my development site and move the entire site into production.

    I remember I checked everything was OK but today, I am contacted because my prices are not visible anymore; I just checked, and my tables are empty !
    On top of that, I cannot even create a new one, nothing appears on the preview.

    My first question is : where is the information ?
    I do not see any dedicated table in the database, nor I cannot find any relevant files.

    All my prices are now away and some potential customers visit my site every day !


    EDIT : It’s a bit critical for me, so I investigated.
    I can create a new pricing table, I just needed to create a page with the shortcode for the preview
    The information is not in the former pricing tables but is actually in the database => the question is : how I can extract this information to create the pricing tables or “re-activate” the pricing tables ?

    A ling to the page with the error massage : https://tofographies.com/photographe-mariage-toulouse/tarifs/

    Thanks for your support.

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  • Thread Starter lincal


    I found a solution – I could not wait longer.

    I found the information in tables (thanks to some keywords I used); I copied the text and entered the informations manually again.

    I am still interested in a manner to find this information and save it specifically if possible.
    And I do not know what happened, I hope I will not have this again.


    Plugin Author WP Darko



    Avez-vous essayé d’utiliser l’outil d’Import/Export de WordPress?

    Le plugin Responsive Pricing Table créé un “custom type” lorsque vous l’installez. WordPress sauvegarde vos données dans la table des Posts. Le custom type est nommé “rpt_pricing_table“.

    Je suis content de voir que vous avez trouvé une solution à votre problème. Désolé de ne pas avoir pu vous répondre plus t?t. Pour une réponse sous moins de 24 heures, n’hésitez pas à utiliser nos forums.

    Let me know how it goes ??

    I figured it out and it’s a really bad thing:

    The plugin in version 2.x had other database field names than they are now in version 3

    To help you and all other users who will face this problem, here’s a short guide to get back your data.

    In your database e.g. with phpMyAdmin:

    SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type like “%pricing_table%”
    change “post_type” from “dk_pricing_table” to “rpt_pricing_table”

    For each pricing table entry (id) do:
    SELECT * FROM wp_postmeta where post_id = [YOUR_ID]

    change each “meta_key” value from “_dkp*” to “_rpt*”
    old: “_dkp_plan_group”
    new: “_rpt_plan_group”

    and edit the “meta_value” in “_rpt_plan_group” which is a serialized array.
    Copy the full text in a text editor and search and replace “_dkp” to “_rpt”
    (we are lucky that “_rpt” and “_dkp” are of the same length though we do not have to serialize the data again…)

    change your shortcode on your wordpress pages, the new format is:
    [rpt name=”your_pricing_table_name”]
    (formerly: [dk_pricing name=”your_pricing_table_name “]

    i’ve never seen a plugin author changing low level database field names and values from one version to the next.
    this should never happen!

    Plugin Author WP Darko


    Hi ageibert,

    You are right. This should never happen. The Responsive Pricing Table plugin is our first plugin. We’ve made a mistake and had to change the post type name.

    We made sure this would never happen again with any of our other plugins. I understand your frustration and we are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    Updating a plugin should not be taken lightly. Make sure you read the changelog before updating ANY plugin. It is accessible from within your WordPress admin panel, it tells you what’s up with the new version.

    Also, always back up your data before doing updates to avoid this kind of inconvenience.

    Version 3.0 of our plugin clearly warned about data loss:


    Again, we are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    Hi there and thanks for the info.
    I think it’s a a good thing, that i additionally created a “how to recover the lost pricing tables” earlier this thread ??

    best regards

    Plugin Author WP Darko



    Yes it is, it will probably help others. Thank you for the fix. We’ve helped someone who came with the same issue a while ago (with the same solution).

    Have a great day!

    Thread Starter lincal


    Dear both,

    Really sorry for not answering earlier… thanks for the additional info.

    I understand it was not possible to answer quicker at that time, but I needed to do something.

    I am not sure I understood all technical point, but does it mean I will not be able to upgrade without building the tables again ?

    Hi lincal,
    yes, if you have version 2 and want to update zu version 3 you will “loose” all the tables data.
    However, as i described above, the data is not really lost. You can recover it following the steps above.

    best regards

    Plugin Author WP Darko


    Hi (both),

    Ageibert is right. It is still in your database and if you follow these few steps above you will “convert” them for version 3.0.

    This will not happen again, of course.

    You said: “I found the information in tables (thanks to some keywords I used); I copied the text and entered the informations manually again.

    Are you still using a previous version?

    Thread Starter lincal


    Actually, it seems I have… version 4.0.1 (and you talk about version 2.x and 3.x)

    Plugin Author WP Darko


    Is everything working fine?

    4.0.1 is the last version, with the new admin panel.

    Thread Starter lincal


    Ok, so the problem probably went when I upgraded and it might be solved now ??
    Yes, every think looks fine (the extension was desactivated recently, I did not notice how/when, but activate it again made evrething in order.

    And I think I made the initial correction with version 3.x because I did not notice the new admin panel, and actually changes are significant!

    Thanks again

    Plugin Author WP Darko


    You’re welcome, glad you got this working!

    Have a good day. Don’t hesitate to come back if you need anything.

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