• Dyers2


    Two days into my first WP site, using WooCommerce 2.3.5. All plugins are current. This is actually 3 related questions, and each refers to this image.

    1. How can I edit what text is displayed below Featured Products on the front page (A & B)?

    2. Where in the color (blue) in bars behind “SELECT OPTIONS” (B) and the bar just below the admin bar (C) edited?

    3. When I hover over the image (B), the image gets less saturated. Where can I disable this feature?

    A = image (prices whited out)
    B = image hover
    C = blue bar


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  • Thread Starter Dyers2





    Please post the url to the site so the theme can be identified and the markup examined with browser tools. An image isn’t enough to work with.

    Thread Starter Dyers2


    The theme is Kadence Virtue. If my url is required, I’ll have to come back. I’m not really ready just yet.

    Thread Starter Dyers2


    Cleaned things up a bit. Home page is here. You can see the image from the screen shot in the OP here.

    4. Next to the product Description tab is an Additional Information tab. I can find plenty of information for how to remove it, but I want to propagate it. How can I do that?

    I have a lot of work to do, but kind suggestions are welcome.



    1. I can’t replicate this in Virtue free. How have you added featured products to the home page? I tried the featured products shortcode and that didn’t give me the what you have. Did you use another shortcode? I couldn’t find a homepage setting to show featured products.

    2. Now looks gray not blue, presumably you fixed this.

    3. To disable the product item opacity change on hover, try this in your custom css at Theme Options > Advanced Settings > Custom CSS:

    .product_item:hover a.product_item_link img {opacity:1.0}

    4. Do you mean you want to add custom tabs? You can add up to 3 custom tabs in Virtue premium:
    (see the Premium features tab)

    Thread Starter Dyers2


    Thanks for the response, lorro.

    1. Actually, it’s anywhere that thumbnails are displayed, on any of the gallery-like pages – I really want to get rid of all the text so that only the images are displayed. The only place I really want text is on the individual listing pages themselves.

    2. I was able to change the color, but I want to get rid of it. There’s text that I typed before I activated a theme: “These are currently available in our Etsy & eBay shops, but the website isn’t quite ready for business yet.” I can’t find where to delete that, either. behind that par, you can see if you hover over the bottom edge, is something else with links. It’s be interesting to access whatever’s behind there.

    3. Your CSS looked good, and I thought it was going to do the trick, but…dang.

    4. Each of my listings have a big block of redundant information; it’s identical for all of them. I’d like for that information to appear on the “Additional Information” tab”. If you were to look at any of the individual listings, it’s all the stuff that’s below the horizontal line in the description.

    Using this temp site



    1. To hide the product title and price, try this in the custom css:

    .product_item a.product_item_link h5,
    .product_item .product_price

    1. & 2. To hide the add-to-cart button:

    .product_item .kad_add_to_cart,
    .product_item a.button

    2. The text: “These are currently available in our Etsy & eBay …” is at Admin page > WooCommerce > Settings > General tab: Store Notice Text field.

    3. I think it is working. The image no longer fades when you hover over it. Its difficult to spot the difference on hover between 0.8 (before) and 1.0 (now) opacity. To test its working, use a value of 0.1 instead of 1.0.

    4. I don’t think you’ll be able to add text to the “Additional information” tab without making a new page template. PHP Skills will be needed, or you will need to hire someone. Alternatively, with Virtue premium, you can make up to 3 custom tabs each with their own title and content, and in the order that you specify.

    Thread Starter Dyers2


    That’s beautiful code, and it does the trick. Thanks a heap. That makes a world of difference in how those galleries read.

    I think when I added the CSS for the hover fade, the site may have been in the midst of it’s move. It’s completed now, and is back to it’s permanent location. And you’re right, it is working.

    I’m not a real widgety kind of person, but I like spiffy navigation effects, and I like cool effects at images. for example, I’d love to be able to hover on one of those gallery images and a large lightbox image appears.

    That said, the tabs you tabs in that location make me want the premium theme even more. I think I have enough in the budget to get it. Will that also let me hide the Aditional Information tab?



    with Virtue premium, you can’t hide the Additional Information tab in settings, but you could reorder it to the last position in settings, or you can hide it with some custom css:

    div.product .woocommerce-tabs ul.tabs li.additional_information_tab

    Thread Starter Dyers2


    Thank you again, very much. Perfect.

    The features I like best about the Premium version of Virtue so far aren’t ones I even noticed when I was reading about it before I bought it. I’m wondering, though; is there a way to populate all incidents of the same custom tab in all the products within a given category at the same time?



    For existing products I think you would have to write some code to be able to do this. For products that you haven’t created yet, you could create a template product with all the standard bits in, then use the duplicate option each time you want a new product of that type.

    You may get a better answer on the Virtue premium support board.

    Thread Starter Dyers2


    I eventually did ask over there, and just now got the same answer you gave. I wish I’d have thought of it sooner. So, now I also have to be very careful to use text that won’t likely ever need to be edited. Thanks for everything.



    You may want to edit it, so what you could do is make your own shortcode, Say [std_details]. Populate each details tab individually with this shortcode.

    Then in functions.php for your child theme you need the code to give this effect:

    add_shortcode('std_details', 'std_details');
    function std_details() {
    $html = 'Blah blah';
    $html .= 'etc etc.';
    return $html;
    } // end function

    Thread Starter Dyers2


    Hi, Lorro;

    I keep learning about mistakes I’ve made, then having to go back and re-do something to either compensate for, or to undo the mistake. For example, the hover-flip function of the Kadence Virtue Premium theme came as a complete surprise, and it happened that I had things in place for it to work.

    The problem is that the images I made that are used on the flip side were started when the habit was to keep those images at 512px, and worse, not really care too much about image quality as they were only going to be displayed at less than half that resolution.

    I’m now shooting all of those images again.

    You mentioned a child theme. I haven’t done that yet. I think I need to do that before I do anything else. I did actually start. The empty folder is there on the server waiting. The directions I found tell you to navigate, either via admin or ftp, to styles.css, copy that…except that styles.css in this theme when accessed through either method isn’t css. It looks like this.

    The shortcode concept is only just becoming something more than conceptual, but lemme ask a couple of questions.

    1. Am I understanding that at each instance I type a particular short code, it references some php in that particular file. So in 2 weeks, I find I misspelled weak when I meant week in one of those instances that affected 150 listings. I can edit that in my php, and correct it in all 150 listings on the spot?

    2. Since I have the tabs worked out on one listing, can I use an online editor to convert the html of that content (one tab at a time) to this php?

    $html = 'Blah blah';
    $html .= 'etc etc.';
    return $html;

    Since I have images to update, corrections in my descriptions, and now short code + tab titles to add, I believe it may be faster to delete the product pages I’ve made, start with a fresh image file (I’ve changed the size and resolution of the thumbs several times), and begin again.

    But first, this child them.



    Yes, one does end up doing the images a few times when starting out. Do a 6 product site and get it right before doing the rest.

    The child theme’s style.css doesn’t need much in it. The key things are a Theme name, this must be unique, and the Template, which must reference the parent theme directory exactly. The rest is good practice.

    Theme Name:         Virtue - Premium - Child
    Template:           virtue_premium

    Although its a css file, but anything between /* and */ is comments.

    It doesn’t have css in it, but you can put some css it it after the comments if you want, but I suggest you put css at Theme Options > Advanced Settings > Custom CSS, because this loads last so takes precedence.

    1. Yes, good isn’t it!

    2. Yes.

    There’s loads of other shortcodes you can use:

    WooCommerce has already provided the PHP, so you can just use those shortcodes where you want.

    I wouldn’t redo the product pages, just edit them, but that’s up to you.

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