Hello drmike,
I’m using Firefox browser, Windows XP OS. WP behaves normally when I post plain text – the “write post” pages changes to:
with the words “Post saved. View site >>” at the top.
But, if the post contains any HTML at all e.g. < i >, < br > or a link or anything else, then hitting “publish” (if creating a post) or “save” (if editing a post) takes me out of /wp-admin to the front page of my site which doesn’t have the changes I have just made – a new post containing HTML isn’t published, and an edited plaintest post only has the plaintext in, not the HTML. I don’t get an error message or anything.
Just so you know, I haven’t installed a plugin, changed my version of WP or anything like that, it has just happened, and it’s driving me crazy! Do you have any ideas?