Stable links to fragments identifiers into paginated posts enhancement
It seems well that : when paginated posts are used the common fragment identifiers cannot be used easily (see detailed note), because the pages are identified by their number (page=<num_page>) which is not a stable data.
This makes quite impossible to develop and test internal links and maintain long paginated documents with many fragments identifiers because pagination can easily change.After researches of existing solutions, I decide to develop “something” which is quite fully designed, the feasibility checked, too some main parts of code.
For now, because I am new in WordPress developments I need some help.
I don’t think at all that the problem is only a pluging problem.
There are some things that I don’t know how to do for hacks.
I do not know anymore where are good existing examples.The development features are :
(to avoid errors we replace the “page” of paginated post by the “section” word : then a post can have sections)– A section can be named by the use of a shortcode associated with <!–nextpage–> into the document.
– optional replacement of the url of section identified currently by his number : <permalink>/<num_page>/
A new syntax which is the unique way (in my opinion) to reach a fragment into a paginated post
<permalink>/section/<section_name>/– determine and store the post datas which describes the post sections (needs a wp enhancement – add a column to post table, or badly a special table like for a plugin for storing the pagination data, updated when the post is saved) containing :
post, version : table (json) with for each section (section_name, title, page_num)Then the steps of url treatment are :
– with a add_rewrite_endpoint it becomes
<permalink>/?section=section_name– with add_rewrite_tag we can get the new query arg [‘section’]
– read first the sections data (pagination) from data base using the permalinkThen I need to set into the current query the hook (set by add_action) to set the query var “page=<num_page>”, the only known identifier of the “section” known by other WP soft elements.
(I don’t know how to do this : must be placed just at the query.php beginning ?)I am not sure of the sequence of actions (must be the first process : it builds the request for full compatibility giving section_name and old page number) and priorities.
The other parts of the soft with which I have no problem at all are :
– treatment of the content to set the pagination (or sectionning) data (shortcodes)
– writing pagination data at saving posts.To test, I developed a “at display” treatment which sets
the internal good urls (as shortcodes) into href to fragments. This makes the fragment url identifiers displayed usable (replacement into urls of the section_name by the page number at display).But the external links cannot be obviously kept anywhere with reliability because links to fragments are broken by any pagination change while section_names are stable data.
I think that it is not a so important work.
I hope this is interesting development.
Best regards
(note :For clarity the concept of an article page is replaced by article “section” (concept which covers easily : parts, main chapters, which uses are naturally extended to summary, bibliography, indexes etc.)The styling pages link brakes the concept of spaces for html/xml.
A post is no more, with the pagebreak feature a space, it is the section which is, but it is managed as an entity by WP.The enhancement restores a HTML/XML true space as a section for post paginated : divided into sections.
Then when you creates a document a fragment identifier “#<fragment_name>” cannot be used if a <!–nextpage–> (or equivalent) is used into the document. The URI is unknown. This is proper to the multipage concept not at all to any multipage plugin.
I have not found anywhere information (and I worked a lot on this subject) about the way to define a fragment reference inside a multi page document a tag href or to externally reference a fragment which is contained into a multipage document.
remark : It is very difficult to write such projects without any preview of the content of message… sorry I can edit after for a while.
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