• mghachem



    I am unable to get the manual local backup to complete; it stops at 1% with “Starting database backup” and never gets further that that. There is no error message.

    Here’s my website info:

    Online Backup for WordPress Plugin Version 3.0.4
    WordPress Version: 4.1 (standalone)
    PHP Version: 5.5.22
    Server Software: Apache
    MySQL Server Version:
    MySQL Client Version: 1.0; MySQL Packet Size: 1 MiB
    Memory: 256M; Post: 8M; Upload: 2M; Timeout: 30
    Memory Changable: Yes; Admin Cache Size: 195.39 KiB
    Status: 1 row, 9.45 KiB packet size, 164.41 KiB cache freed, 30.24 MiB memory used
    Capabilities: hashcopy gzdeflate php5hash
    End of Information

    Thanks for any help you can offer.


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