• hi,

    i want to get started using wordpress (i’ve heard great things about you folks and you come highly recommended from c|net and the like). however, i’m having some trouble getting started. namely, with the MySQL portion.

    i’ve downloaded your software (v.2.2). as far as i can see, it’s basically a series of config & php files that do most of the work in the database on the server, which is fine. we want to put this on our own in-house server (an old mac g4) and have it running from there. this is currently our web server (you can see it running at https://www.lighthousepdx.org/).

    however, you make several references to needing to set up a database in MySQL. now i’ve downloaded MySQL 5.0 (latest GA release) for our Mac G4 running OS X. i know sql and am not a complete novice or newbie at this — i used to have to set up databases for a front end java product (tho’ those were mostly in Oracle or Sybase, i’ve encountered using MySQL). my problem is, thus far, after searching your site, precious little information is given as to exactly *how* to set up the MySQL database to start. by this, i d not mean that you should become a support arm of MySQL, but *what* *parameters* does the initial database need to have??? i’ve searched all over your support section and no info is given on this.

    i see from the config file what info wordpress is generally needing from the db to start up initially.

    however, more info is needed that just the database name, network location and log-in. how big should the db file be to start? should it be a fixed size or expandable? how many fields in the array should it have and what are the data-types for each of these fields? is this something handled by your config. files, or do we need to do some initial set-up on this?

    none of this is mentioned in any of your how-to’s or FAQs, and i’ve searched all over your support site for it. again, i’m not asking that you become a support arm for MySQL, but some basics on setting up the basic parameters for the MySQL database would be helpful. if you already have this documentation and could please point me to it, that would be most appreciated. if not, if you could please give me some basics on set-up, that would be appreciated also.

    i also might suggest that you please add some FAQ and/or HOW-TO’s on how to get the MySQL db set up and ready to run wordpress. just my 2 cents.

    i will await and be appreciative of any help offered.


    — faddah yuetsu wolf
    the lighthouse intentional community
    portland, oregon

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  • As there are so many environments/operating systems, you will notice that the WordPress Codex doesn’t really address setting up operating systems, web-server, MySQL, or PHP. The installation, support, and documentation is better presented by the developers of those products.

    Generally, most users of WordPress purchase web-hosting that already has the operating system, web-server, MySQL, and PHP running.

    So with that said, let me at least get you pointed in the right direction with this search:

    get away from thinking ORACLE where you set the tablespace size.

    from mysql standpoint it should be simular to this

    mysql> create database blog;

    All mysql needs is DATABASE NAME, USERNAME, AND PASSWORD. nothing else. The database is empty at that point and the wordpress install php scripts create the indexes, tables, inside the database itself.

    Head on over to mysql.com for more information on create database and user access. When you create the database for your wordpress install, whatever user you want to have full access to that database needs to be granted permission, but all that is in the mysql documentation.

    So again its a simple as it sounds you do not need to specify size,or location of tablespaces, mysql takes care of everything when you issue a create database command, you then create a mysql user, then grant privileges to that mysql user to the new database you created.

    I hope that doesn’t confuse you more.
    I used Oracle for years, and I too got lost when I jumped into mysql a few years ago. Frankly MYSQL is easier to deal with ??

    take care

    Thread Starter faddah


    iscifi — thanx. that’s just the help i needed to get me started. oracle and others do have other similar “install scripts” and config files where you just set up a barebones db file and then let the config files do the rest, so i’m not unfamiliar with the concept. i just wanted to make sure this was the case, as that is not clear in any of the documentation. i’ll give it a try and let you folks know what results i get.

    michael — as moderator here (and i assume, therefore, one of the wordpress ‘gods’ as it were ;oD ), i respect your determination here. however, let me point out a few more things — what is being asked here is


    how to set up an OS, web-server, PHP implementation, or anything else like that. what is being asked is how to set-up MySQL, as recommended in your install HOW-TO and FAQ, as a db to get your product started up. as MySQL appears to be fairly generic from platform to platform, i feel that codifying something like what iscifi wrote to me, and make it a document on the basics of setting up the db, and then linked to in all your install read-me’s, HOW-TO’s and FAQs would be advisable and my suggestion. let’s face facts here — if you want ISPs or other web hosts to host your wordpress, the admins from those places will come to this site looking for the same information i asked for, even tho’ i’m just a lone gear-head with his own aging mac g4 server. having a document that is sort of a bridge, with the info iscifi gives, but also with relative links to the external software providers (like MySQL) is what would be very helpful here.

    thank you both for your responses. i’m off to give it a try.


    — faddah yuetsu wolf
    the lighthouse intentional community
    portland, oregon


    Sorry, I missed your point before–I should have directed you to the create the database and user section of Installating WordPress.

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